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14 Apr 2011, 2:35 pm

Even if I were, I'd still have to feed my cats.


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14 Apr 2011, 2:39 pm

While I disagree with the cruel treatment animals suffer under in slaughter houses and whatnot, I simply could not be a vegan. I tried to be a vegetarian once, and I couldn't do it for two reasons, those being that I don't like most vegetables, and that I like meat too much.

I feel just as indignant as you do over animal cruelty, but that doesn't mean that I have to rescind all meat products from my diet.

What fresh hell is this?


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14 Apr 2011, 2:42 pm

Because I'm an omnivore with a palate that vastly favours animal products.

Chances are, if you're offended by something I said, it was an attempt at humour.


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14 Apr 2011, 3:37 pm

Simonono wrote:
I absolutely hate vegetables. The last thing I want to eat is just that.

Not even asparagus? It makes your pee smell funny.

I love fruits and veggies, too. I enjoy eating artichoke leaves with hollandaise sauce entirely too much. I love my potatoes (like any true irish girl), and I give credit to all the fruits and veggies that can be fermented into delightful alcoholic beverages. :D


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14 Apr 2011, 3:41 pm

What better way to celebrate the end of summer than home made elderberry wine

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14 Apr 2011, 3:52 pm

Because vegans are generally pretentious, privileged, self-important as*holes.


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14 Apr 2011, 4:36 pm

I like meat too much, and also I wouldn't be able to. It's just too expensive.

Crispy Pickles!!


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14 Apr 2011, 4:38 pm


Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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14 Apr 2011, 5:39 pm

Not enough discipiline


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14 Apr 2011, 5:53 pm

I'm not vegan because vegetarianism is a joke.

Plants have a spiritual life force as well. I don't see it as any better than killing animals.

We do what we need to do to keep alive, which sadly is eating multiple things with souls.


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14 Apr 2011, 5:58 pm

Subotai wrote:
Aside from the obvious cruelty and the conditions mirroring Nazi concentration camps, look at the environmental impact of the rampant meat industry.

Anyone else besides me here sense a troll? Just a thought... :roll:

But on-topic: Veganism is even more ridiculous than vegetarianism. If humans were meant not to consume animal products or by-products, we wouldn't have canine or incisor teeth, and our digestive tracts wouldn't be nearly as long and complex. In short, depriving yourself of perfectly acceptable (and often more complete) sources of nutrition based solely on some skewed interpretation of ideals and morals is just stupid. If it's for health or medical reasons, then it's fine, but otherwise, don't deprive yourself just because you want to be a part of some ineffectual socio-political movement.

I'm not vegan or vegetarian because, nutritionally, I can't afford to be. Not to mention, I wouldn't like it or have the diligence to do it, either. I need all the calories I can get, however I can get them; curse my physiology.

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14 Apr 2011, 6:02 pm

I love chicken and beef far too much to ever give them up.

Because vegans are generally pretentious, privileged, self-important as*holes.

and because of that


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14 Apr 2011, 6:05 pm

Can't people just agree to disagree without resorting to name-calling?

I think it is a valid point to an extent. The commercial meat industry is horrid. I just think going vegan is an unnecessary extreme.


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14 Apr 2011, 6:05 pm

tuna wrote:
Because vegans are generally pretentious, privileged, self-important as*holes.

Wow, you say it super judgemental person! lucky you can hide from people behind your keyboard and monitor while you make these statements or you might get flattened!
I am a fairly ecconomically poor working class conservative living in a state owned flat, I am generally a low key and quite tolerant person but speak of or to me in public in this manner - then you will find me pretty damn intolerant and even violent - play nice :twisted:

I have been a vegetarian for over 25 years and have kept a vegan kitchen for about 20 years, I find it easy and generally cheaper as well as suiting my ambitions with regard ethics and ecology.

The only reason I am not a strict 'vegan' is because I dumpster dive and as I am making good use of what would otherwise be wasted and not driving demand I set the limit to my palate which is vegetarian.

peace j

Just because we can does not mean we should.

What vision is left? And is anyone asking?

Have a great day!


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14 Apr 2011, 6:09 pm

While I'm not vegan and don't ever expect to be, I agree with those who think the meat industry should be required to make sure the animals experience as little pain and discomfort as possible. I think humans are an omnivorous species by nature. Eating meat is natural, but torture is not.


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14 Apr 2011, 6:22 pm

jmnixon95 wrote:
1) I'm technically "vegetarian" because I don't eat meat, but it has nothing to do with "animal rights" or whatever. I just don't like the feel or taste.

2) Nazi concentration camps? Don't even try to compare cruel treatments of animals to cruel treatments to humans. Though humans are technically animals, the cruelty inflicted on other animals by humans can't even be compared to cruelty inflicted on humans by humans. It's just silly. Completely silly. Don't get me wrong, I like animals. But the people who value them as our equals (or imply doing so by making such posts as you did) have clear problems with grasping basic logic and reasoning and they piss me off.

Greetings jmnixon95.

I am very sorry if I offend you but I believe that I consider all sentient beings as equals. That is, I take into account the ways in which they may suffer, their needs and desires and so forth. These different matters may differ greatly. But if an act causes great suffering and the act relieves little or no suffering then I feel this best if the act Is not carried out. This is independent of the labels of the species involved o believe. I am very sorry as I would very much wish to type greater amounts yet this is rather difficult for me as I am currently using my little I pod.

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