Oodain wrote:
i will stick to my debit card than you
financials seem to slip through my fingers for anything but a fleeting glace so to worry about the interests and +/- balance and all would make me crazy.
I was a little worried about that at 1st to. I never had a debit-card. I wanted a credit-card instead because I figured I could use it just like a debit or check & build up good credit by not keeping a balance. I only spent what I already had the money to at 1st. It was also very handy when my income was fluctuating because I was working & couldn't have more than two thousand saved due to SSI; have to be extremely careful when you don't' currently have the money in checking; don't want to get charged interest
1st card I had with a secured one through my bank. I got it because I couldn't get a nonsecured one because I had no credit experience & only had SSI then. They locked about $700 in my savings for a $500 limit. Canceled it after I started working & got the Amazon card; I didn't want to keep the money locked in. I have a high limit on Amazon because I requested limit increases a lot. When I was working a lot of over-time or after getting a raise; I would estimate my last months pay & multiply it by 12; I pretended I was making that every mouth. If the credit company checked my income to verify; they probably assumed I had gotten raises. Limit increase request were only small amounts at a time & I had never kept a balance on it till I ran up that debt a couple years ago.