Back in 1994, my family had Prodigy, Compuserve, and AOL, and we connected to those using a blazing fast 2400 baud modem. With the exception of e-mail and a failed attempt to view Usenet posts on AOL, I did not ever get to use the Internet. Around 1995 or so, I got to surf the web for the first time using the Prodigy web browser. In 1996 I started using the Internet regularly as we had a proper ISP (actually a free community based service that was so popular, it would take several attempts to get through without a busy signal) and Mosaic (an early graphic web browser, later to be replaced by the first version of Netscape)
Shortly after, I used a 486DX2-66 running Windows 3.1 to create my first webpage using some basic HTML in the form of a Doom fanpage.
Does anyone else remember:
Trumpet Winsock (software that provided the TCP/IP stack in Windows 3.1)
Pegasus Mail
Agent and Free Agent (Usenet clients)
MS Comic Chat
Internet Gaming Zone (before it went web based)
ICQ (the original version - I still have my old six-digit UIN)
"Tongue tied and twisted, just an earth-bound misfit, I" - Pink Floyd
(and then the tower cleared me for take off)