League_Girl wrote:
I am not sure. I know I break some minor ones like going a few miles above the speed limit but I try and go the speed limit. It's always unintentional.
I do jay walk if there are no cars coming because I can't be bothered to walk a few blocks down for a cross walk. But if the road is really busy, forget it. I will use the cross walk.
I once drove without car insurance in 2010 because my dad had canceled it and never told me so I had went without it for a few days. Also unintentional and then it was intentional because he had told me and I had no choice because I had to use my car.
I once drove with expired license plates because that was also unintentional. I forgot all about it and then saw the date on them and realized that month was over. So I had to call my dad to send me renewal stickers. This was also in 2010. Then I got Oregon license plates two months later when my dad signed the car over to me so it's under my name now.
I've done that. It's a non moving violation, which means no points will be put on your license.