*deep breath* Here we go.
*another deep breath*
Ratchet and Clank, coffee, WP, all the members of WP, music, playing my guitar, playing my piano, flipping my hair, eating a good meal, pepperoni, steak, bacon, MEAT, Guitar Hero, PS2, PS3, video games, my two cats, my dog, rain, sunshine, water, puddles, plants, living things, Mountain Dew, nachos, sci-fi movies, temporary tattoos, henna tattoos, permanent tattoos, walking, running (not for too long), sleeping, doing things with my hands, describing something through literacy, my niece, my nephew, my mother, all my aunts and uncles, my grandparents, seeing my mom doing the hot tub dance, hot tub, dancing, youtube, emoticons
, unique emoticons
, uniqueness, drawing, reading, writing, Jeopardy!, art, science, math, advanced math, calculus, logic, learning, learning about the world, getting to know someone my way, facebook, a live-action avatar game with other players around the world, taking deep breaths, warm baths, warm showers, washing my hair, driving, Wipe Out, vintage video games, amusenemt parks, feeling smart, knowing I'm smart, people telling me I'm smart, me thanking someone for saying I'm smart...
I'll edit this if I can think of any more.
Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3