[quote="TigerFire"] 2. We were the for a long time the only superpower before China became one
America remains the worlds only superpower, China has not reached that status and probably will not for at least a decade or 2. The reason is because while China has a massive army. Their army is
A. Lacks combat experience
B. lacks any real modern millitary technology
C. Currently cannot project millitary might worldwide.
D. Currently cannot protect (at least quickly) their borders, or their natural resources/national interests overseas.
What makes a nation a superpower is not just the ability to distory civilization with the push of a button, as Russia still has this power, and actually has to this day more nuclear weapons, tho not deployed. But also a nation needs to be able to project military power worldwide, and do so quickly, as in the 21st century conflicts can arise quickly, and no way can China respond quickly, and realisticly at this time probably not at all. I honestly think thats 1 main reason they have yet to take back Tiwan. They have a very large army, and a halfway decent navy, but at least for now as nasty as a war involving the 2 would be, I have serious doubts China could ever succeed taking back that territory, as Tiwan has more sophisticated weapons, a more organized military and the US right behind them.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.