MollyTroubletail wrote:
When I used to canvass door to door for charity, it was inevitable that being in wealthy neighborhoods you'd get mostly nothing except run off their property. Whereas if you were canvassing a very poor neighborhood, the poverty-stricken people would almost always give you $10 that they obviously could not really afford, and they'd even bring you a drink if it was hot out. The more wealthy the homes, the nastier you would be treated by the homeowners.
I have had similar experiences, though not with charity work. I have been forced to have meals with people who I knew could barely afford to feed their own family, and then they sent me off with leftovers. Any rich people I've ever visited only seemed to want me out the door as quickly as possible.
I know not all rich people are bastards, and I really do try not to be an inverse elitist, but they sure do have a constituency giving them a bad name.