With things like appliances, electronics, and other durable goods, I like older and in good condition. I still have tube type TV sets, including some from the 1940s as collectors items. We just bought a new washing machine and dryer, and I despise the washing machine because it only uses about an inch of water in the bottom of the tub, and it doesn't do a good job unless I manually fill it higher with a hose first. AND, it locks the lid shut so I can't throw in an odd sock or something I missed, after I started it.
For cars, I like new and old. For just transportation and reliability, I like a late model Toyota or other sensible car of good repute, but I also love vintage cars from the 50s and the 70s.
For houses, I like newer but well-built. Things like fire safety, and floor plans, are much better in my opinion than older houses built before the 1980s, or so. Our Dallas house was built in 1990, and it's small (1500 sf 3 bedrooms and 2 baths) but feels like a mansion inside, and our California ranch house really is large (about 4,000 sf with 5 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms, formal dining room and a kitchen with subzero dual fridge, 2 sinks, and Viking appliances like you see on MTV cribs), but it feels like a small apartment with low ceilings and cheap architecture. The floorplan is crazy; you can't put any furniture anywhere that it doesn't look wrong. I like the newer little house better! All the furniture fits nicely where it belongs, and you can walk around the house easily without falling over a couch that "belongs" in the middle of the room due to the walls being all-windows or other reasons there can't be furniture there.