What's your favourite kind of pet, and why?
i do not have "pets" so to speak. i have "friendships with animals", but because the phrase "friendships with animals" is arduous to type, i will use the word "pets" instead.
my favourite types of animals to befriend are australian brush tailed possums and kookaburras.
i had a house in bushland but it got taken away from me, and while i was there (5 years) i got to experience real wildlife very closely.
i had mouse friends and parrot friends (galahs and cockatoos (which i tried to discourage) and rainbow lorrikeets and crimson rosella's) and 3 australian magpie friends, and a few kurrawong "hangers around", and a family of australian miner friends and a family of kookaburra's (i loved them so much and i think they knew it (apart from the fact that i hand fed them)), and 5 possum friends (that i also loved extremely).
the thing that made them so special to me was that they were wild, and they had never interacted with a human before, and they were naturally suspicious of me to begin with, but i won their trust over time, and i treasured it so much.
as far as domestic animals go, they are bred to be what they are. dogs have been selectively bred for various desirable traits for many thousands of years.
the original wolf ancestor is an animal that is a good candidate to integrate into the human social structure, so i can see why it was chosen. it is alert and has a pack mentality and also recognizes and respects dominance. but the original wolf was none the less a wild animal, and there was no guarantee that it would retain it submissive role if the human that "owned" it became ill or impotent.
over the years, dogness has been crafted and there are many different varieties, and they all have a generally happy disposition.
i do not feel as "touched" by the fact that a strange dog looks trustingly at me as i do when a wild and undomesticated and unmodified animal looks trustingly at me.
cats are almost the same except a cat has less interest in the dynamics of what is going on in the human world of their keeper. cats are very sensual and soft and graceful and that is something that has been crafted by humans from the times of ancient egypt. even though cats are sometimes keenly aware of what your thought process must be, they only care if it will impact on them. that characteristic makes cats somewhat aloof and elusive and that is seen as an admirable quality by many.
humans of ancient times wanted both an animal they could adore, and animal that would adore them.
i think that is why cats and dogs are the natural choices to pick from the plethora of wildlife that one could think of as suitable for domestic accompaniment. this only my guess. i may be wrong.
possums are not terribly smart, and i can see how (not why) the average person would consider them on a level that almost is equal to vermin. possums were mercilessly slaughtered for their pelts in the 1800's and early 1900's. if you shine a torch at a possum feeding on the lawn, it will sit up and show it's white underside and just stare blankly at the light. i can not believe anyone could take aim and shoot it's life away for a few dollars.
anyway i found that despite their slowness to comprehend (which is the thing that average people reject them on the grounds of), each of my possums had a completely distinct personality.
one was cheeky and bossy and he followed me around always extremely interested in what i was doing.
another was aware that she had a very pretty face i think because she seemed to "pose" for me. i thought she was very pretty and she wriggled her tail too as if to augment her cuteness.
another one was an old male possum who was past his life expectancy, and he was rather paranoid about encounters with the cheeky boy. he used to slide in to the ceiling of the back verandah, and i had to reach high to give him his treats.
whatever i am going on and on, but it is a fact that i have not met anyone who shares my knowledge of how possums are real entities with their own personalities.
possums are by far the most common roadkill on sydney roads. people just drive over them (their brush tail is the only thing not eventually rolled flat (like chewing gum on the sidewalk)) without another thought. well i loved my possums until i was torn away from them.
i also had kookaburra's which trusted me in the same way. i always had company that i enjoyed when i was there.
here are some pics of my friends. (i may have to break this post up so i do not get the smiley data rejection)
people very rarely see kookaburras look at them like this. i feel so deeply happy that she sees i am alive like her.