Spazzergasm wrote:
HOW?! How can you stand having a username with a lower case first letter?! That would drive me crazy. I always wonder...
i am not partial to capital letters very much i think because of my experiences in primary school (elementary school) where teachers told me i must use capital letters where they are needed (they knew i understood grammar). i could not see much need for capital letters so therefore i almost never used them. i got into more and more trouble as time went by because i refused to use capital letters where i did not think they were needed.
people may decide not to read what i have written based solely on the fact that i do not use capital letters where they expect them, and they may prejudge that i am uneducated due to "form" rather than "substance" (which they fail to perceive), but i am completely sure that what i have written is not rendered less comprehensible in any way by the lack of capital letters.
does "B9" mean anything different than "b9"?
it may to emotive people. but i am just "b9". what i say is more important than my name. what i say is more important than the grammatical protocol it lacks.