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04 Sep 2006, 8:45 pm

There has been alot of conflicting information about the health benefits of jogging.It appears that walking is as healthy without the possible long term problems of jogging....sprains,joint problems.
Since you enjoy nature..?...I think...doing it in places with uneven wooded terans is the healthiest....cardio vascular going up and down small hills and helps with balance and better on joints if your on a natural service rather then pavement..Don't you live in Arizona?....when I visit my parents who live near Tuson...I spend most of my time walking in the dessert....really peaceful to me.

Also,bikeing is a great way to get around and build thigh and butt muscles.I much prefer it to walking
because the brezze as you ride keeps you cooler and I like the speed.For some reason I feel much less self-concious then when I am walking,less vulnerable.

Push-ups are a great way t work on upper torso....

Now...Drop and give me 20......

Any time your are feeling stressed,you can just drop and do some push-ups :D

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04 Sep 2006, 9:25 pm

Yeah no way you are going to build your arms much : walking, jogging or biking.

For that matter your legs are not going to bulk up much. More likely as you lose weight
bulky fat will be replaced with more dense muscle. You will be able to flex muscle you
never seen before but other than that your not going to bulk up.

Yeah you have to get your heart rate up to get any cardiovascular improvement.

A warning on jogging/running its hard on your joints (knees). And your heart is
amazing and gets into shape faster than your legs. In other words it will be very easy
to run too much and hurt your knees or pull something.

I've been biking but two thoughts on it:
1) Its not as good as running but easier on joints. I say it not as good as running
because it too easy to coast and take a break.

2) Bike seats maybe very bad for male reproductive function. (think limp noodle).


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04 Sep 2006, 9:51 pm

OK...limp noodle "Myth"....there is a very important nerve in the "taint" area...but they make seats for males with a grove cut out for this long as you have a seat like this ,you will have no problems(also,usually only an issue for hard core bikers)...I would hate for someone to miss out on the over all joys of biking when it can be so easily remedied.....Biking and books have saved my sainity.(some would agrgue its effectiveness in this regaurd...but bah on them...)

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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05 Sep 2006, 1:49 am

krex wrote:
OK...limp noodle "Myth"....there is a very important nerve in the "taint" area...but they make seats for males with a grove cut out for this long as you have a seat like this ,you will have no problems(also,usually only an issue for hard core bikers)...I would hate for someone to miss out on the over all joys of biking when it can be so easily remedied.....Biking and books have saved my sainity.(some would agrgue its effectiveness in this regaurd...but bah on them...)

Yeah I will look into getting a better seat. I cover I guess 6 miles a day. No way thats
hard core, but untill I get a better seat I am keeping a close watch/hand on the noodle for any earily signs of problems :)


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05 Sep 2006, 2:57 am

exersize is overated,sitting in a big comfy chair 20+hours a day is what all the cool kids are doing.


"Dear friend, the silent streets and the cool of the moon invite us to a walk. Let us go forth, while all the world is in bed and none may mar our solitary exaltation."


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05 Sep 2006, 3:17 am

rpm2004 wrote:
exersize is overated,sitting in a big comfy chair 20+hours a day is what all the cool kids are doing.


And eating Maccas and doughnuts, the fat porkers

This typically applies to some of those lethargic and fat NT kids. We aspies/auties can't resist have the occasional hyperactive outburst to burn all that access blubber off.

Last edited by paulsinnerchild on 05 Sep 2006, 3:24 am, edited 2 times in total.


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05 Sep 2006, 3:20 am

paulsinnerchild wrote:
rpm2004 wrote:
exersize is overated,sitting in a big comfy chair 20+hours a day is what all the cool kids are doing.


And eating Maccas and doughnuts, the fat porkers.
I was describing myself....thank you for making me feel worse


"Dear friend, the silent streets and the cool of the moon invite us to a walk. Let us go forth, while all the world is in bed and none may mar our solitary exaltation."


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05 Sep 2006, 5:07 am

I hate exercise. My only excercise ever except for the obligatory in elementary school and high school is swimming, walking and wood chopping. My methabolism is very good, so I have no weight problems. I'm 5'10 and weigh 145 pounds. 8)


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05 Sep 2006, 5:17 am

It is not so much excercise I hate but gyms, I hate gyms they are just too social.


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05 Sep 2006, 10:14 am

krex wrote:
Don't you live in Arizona?
yes thats right, i live in a barren meadow, over looking sunset crater


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05 Sep 2006, 10:57 pm

so that's what that's for....

"I'm sorry Katya, my dear, but where we come from, your what's known as a pet; a not quite human novelty. It's why we brought you.... It's nothing to be ashamed of, my dear, but here you are and here you'll sit."

05 Sep 2006, 11:25 pm

My excerise is at work. I decided instead of taking the elevator, I should start taking the stairs instead.

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05 Sep 2006, 11:28 pm

I walk my dog every day. There are paved walking trails where I live, and there are more at the park right across the street -- miles of them.