Fnord wrote:
Interacting with the other members of WP has inspired me to become more cynical about the overall future of humanity.
Smart, I wish I wast that smart when I was younger just teach asd children to trust know one people are only in it for themselves.
Have a over-sized Maggie Thatcher poster above the child's bed with her wise words "their is no society only individuals" that would scare any child in to submission. Nobody cares about nobody accept it and move on on .*
Seriously despite her strange political views I think she's kinda awesome I think it must have been her awesome hair cut that did it that it for me
* their are exceptions of cause if your born good looking your parents are more likely to look out for you , hey don't shoot the messenger you can't argue with Darwin can you ?
Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob