Their blaming autism on the dads again
This wasn't intended in any way to disrespect the dads. Personally I adore my dad; we are best friends and have a lot of fun together going fishing and hiking when I visit. The reason in posting was to let everyone else be aware of what is supposedly the latest in autism research. We do need to know what they are saying about us don't we? I didn't think it sounded right because nobody I know that is autistic on either end of the spectrum had an older father. I didn't. I have a nephew and a cousin with Aspergers and their dads were in early 20's. Looks like no one that has posted so far had an older dad. So maybe that research only relates to autistics in Israel as someone pointed out as they do tend to start families a little later than other parts of the world. Or maybe the whole thing is just flawed.
A report several months ago stated autism was caused by a flawed X chromosome of the nerd dads. Really it said most auties had nerdy dads. That seems a little more plausible though again when you see Aspie traits in a number of family members it makes you think Aspies attract Aspies and then make baby Aspies. But then you hear moms say their husband wasn't weird and their kid didn't start acting weird till they got their vaccinations. So I think we're still at square one of we don't know what causes it.
Still maybe the hoopla will eventually create grant monies to help AS people. It would be nice to see helpful programs for the adults and not just the kids. I still find it amazing people seem to think autistics vanish from the Earth after their 18th birthday. Really its just something magical; they vanish so we don't have to deal with them.

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34 children had autism of 60,654 children whose parents were aged 15-29
-- 62 children had autism of 67,211 children whose parents were aged 30-39
-- 13 children had autism of 4,106 children whose parents were aged 40-49
-- 1 child had autism of 190 children whose parents were over 50
-- A man over 40 is 5.75 times more likely
(data from Israel)
Okay thats the data they make the claims from.
What junk science first note the very important fact only 4296 kid were had fathers 40
and over. But 127,865 kids were born from fathers 39 and under!! !! !! !! !! In other words
a man having kids at 40 is alot less common. Now its unlikely I will ever have kids but
I'm 36 so if I do guess what it may very well be in my 40's and I might be at a greater
risk of producing autisic kids base on my genes not age.
A better study would have compared fathers who had kids at a young age and in old age. (and guess what they would have found NO INCREASE RATE with age)
Oh the "increase rate" the study sees is a large number of austic loner men have kids
at a later age in life (ie we are many years behide in social skills so on average we are
likely to marry and have kids at an older age)

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This wasn't intended in any way to disrespect the dads. Personally I adore my dad; we are best friends and have a lot of fun together going fishing and hiking when I visit. The reason in posting was to let everyone else be aware of what is supposedly the latest in autism research. We do need to know what they are saying about us don't we? I didn't think it sounded right because nobody I know that is autistic on either end of the spectrum had an older father. I didn't. I have a nephew and a cousin with Aspergers and their dads were in early 20's. Looks like no one that has posted so far had an older dad. So maybe that research only relates to autistics in Israel as someone pointed out as they do tend to start families a little later than other parts of the world. Or maybe the whole thing is just flawed.
A report several months ago stated autism was caused by a flawed X chromosome of the nerd dads. Really it said most auties had nerdy dads. That seems a little more plausible though again when you see Aspie traits in a number of family members it makes you think Aspies attract Aspies and then make baby Aspies. But then you hear moms say their husband wasn't weird and their kid didn't start acting weird till they got their vaccinations. So I think we're still at square one of we don't know what causes it.
Still maybe the hoopla will eventually create grant monies to help AS people. It would be nice to see helpful programs for the adults and not just the kids. I still find it amazing people seem to think autistics vanish from the Earth after their 18th birthday. Really its just something magical; they vanish so we don't have to deal with them.
I know where you're comming from, now.
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