i did not want to go to see the fireworks on sydney harbor, because last time i did that, i was hassled and set upon by drunken young men who did not like my eccentric responses to their drunken cheery (at first) statements like "dude!! ! have a 'mazin new year".
they stank of alcohol and body odor.
their cheer was a very thin veneer because when i replied "yes i will thankyou", they became immediately hostile, and one fellow put his arm around my neck and mockingly repeated what i said in an exaggerated way. then he said "yes thankyou sir, sorry sir, 3 bags full sir" and i did not understand him so i said "indeed".
then he said "you're pretty dumb my friend if you don't mind me sayin'", and i tried to get is arm off me, and then he got me in a headlock and i threw him off and .....etc.
i will not go there again to see the fireworks.
so...last night i was playing age of empires "the conquerors" (again (because i like it even though it is old)), and at 11:25 pm i noticed the time, and i set my alarm clock to 11:55 pm, and i went back to playing the game.
tammy and her family was in dubbo (a rural town) to spend the night with tammy's sister, so i was by myself.
i live about 12 miles from the harbor and i wanted to imagine that the city was being hit by a meteorite shower. i can not see the fireworks directly from my verandah, but i can see the sky light up as if small meteorites were impacting slightly over the horizon.
the thing about sydneys fireworks is that they are so loud they sound like bombs, and i like loud sounds as long as i am braced for them.
once i had a dream that i witnessed a catastrophic asteroid impact about 4,000 miles away, and the sky lit up like it was day time, and i waited for the inevitable sound wave that blew me and my house away about 10 minutes later. i was fascinated by that dream, and i hoped that the fireworks last night would let me imagine a smaller event in the same vein.
when the alarm clock went off, i silenced it and i turned all the lights off and went out onto the verandah at 12:00 am, and i watched the sky light up and waited for the sound of the "booms".
unfortunately, some idiots a few streets away let off their own fire crackers which drowned out the experience and ruined my imaginary scenario.
then i went back inside after it was over, and i had previously paused the game just before a hurled trebuchet ball hit me, and when i unpaused the game i was immediately killed. i thought "hmmm. a great start to the year!".
then i reloaded the last save and played for another 2 hours before i got tired and then i posted here and then i went to bed and i got in it and went to sleep.