hanyo wrote:
Embroglio wrote:
He hasn't contributed a single thing in society in his life, and he's almost 30.
So? I'm 36 and haven't contributed anything to society either.
Just because people think he is a jerk is still no excuse to bully him online. I think bullying and making hate sites about people is wrong.
When I was young there wasn't any internet but I can imagine that the jerks in my school would have made a web site just to bully and harass me even more. They even made prank calls to the house for years after I was away from those jerks (no one had caller id then).
I'm sure my bullies thought I brought it on myself and was asking for it too. I know that one of my school counselors did.
Taken directly from the Cwcki itself.
How can you get off taunting an autistic guy?
We don't do it because he's autistic, but rather because he's a racist, sexist, homophobic, unsympathetic, ungrateful, jealous, kid-scaring and troll-feeding, narcissistic, spitefully antagonistic thief, and an all-around failure who wastes the hard-earned tax money of average Americans on video games and sex toys while contributing nothing to society despite his basic abilities. Furthermore, he's someone who realizes he has a problem and what he does doesn't work but refuses to get help, even ignoring the help of well-meaning individuals.
This pretty much sums up Chris in a nutshell on why he's bullied. Chris truly is a disgusting human being who deserves no sympathy. If he was an NT he probably would of had his ass severely kicked by now for what he does. But since he has autism he gets away with his downright sick and disgusting behavior. I think him getting arrested was the best thing to happen to him because maybe now with court orders Chris well get the help he severely needs.