Krex reminded me of another major irritant... software licenses. especially those that limit your rights as a consumer. If I go out and buy Windows XP, I don't actually OWN anything. Well, except a cd and some paper. To that I say, "Screw you, MegaTechCorp! I shelled out the real money for it, I own it. Come pry it outta my hands."
Automated voice menu's... you know, if you're a small business (or a medium or large or supersized) and you're trying to save some money, perhaps it's best not to do so with something that's been known to piss people off and make them not want to bother contacting you. (Unless that's your goal, in which case, well done!)
Outsourcing. I have nothing against India or its inhabitants. Let's just get that outta the way up-front. I do, however, have issues with calling up AmeriCyberPartsCo for a friend, getting xferred to tech support and hearing something along the lines of someone trying to recite Shakespeare in Portguese with a mouthful of scrambled eggs. You want to save money by outsourcing to India/Pakistan/etc? Great... since none of your customers can understand the techs, you'll save LOTS of money as they decide to take their business elsewhere. (Just a personal note... I'm at about 50/50 thus far on getting a tech with an intelligible mode of speech. I try, I really do, but some of the techs I've gotten just make me want to rip my hair out if I had any).
Cellhphones w/lame ringtones.... agreed. I like to amuse myself my imagining what that stupid ringtone would sound like coming from a random orifice after I've forcefully inserted it there as a penalty for irritating me.
doordoctor.... sure did. Hated almost every minute of it. Handled upwards of 75 calls per day, nearly every one of them could quite easily have been resolved if the caller'd just bothered to read the freakin manual, so to speak.