Things about Technology that piss you off

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16 Nov 2006, 8:50 am

me, them automated computerized phone answerers(aol, verizon, other companies) them things were you dial, you listen to the prompts then it has you SPEAK the command, if not said just right it dont work and some the pressing 0 dont respond, i find it annoying (especially with verizon's) because what the computer asks you, the tech that finally picks up asks the SAME EXACT QUESTIONS! so i bypass it by pressing the 0 until i get hold on while i transfer you to next available agent.....

i can remember a time (aol 1.0 for windows to aol 6.0) were you called and immediatly got a person who spoke english and known computers.

verizon is only one were you call and get free tech support and ENGLISH speaking techs.

diseased, you worked for aol????? (wishing there was a call center in nj)
technology that ticks my dad off, ONSTAR PERSONAL CALLING with that you have to say call then nametag or the number and its annoying having to say the number one digit at a time(we have analog system) and my dad once got soo ticked he cussed at it and it screwed up the phone number he was trying to dial. and when you do say the number or what you want it to do in the calm monotone voice its looking for it still didnt perform the command

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16 Nov 2006, 9:20 am

Am I the only one that finds it funny that we're complaining about technology, on a forum, from various countries around the world, using amazing technology to connect?

I love this paradox.

Mobile phones annoy me greatly.

However I have a sordid love affair with my computer.

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16 Nov 2006, 12:33 pm

Emettman wrote:
Technology that is overcomplex or multifunctional, when a simple device is what I'm looking for.

But if pieces of technology are useful, more and more they seem to come bundled with lots and lots of unnecessary (for me) options.

Digital cameras ! !! Ugh, all I want it to do is take the picture ! ! I don't need umpteen seb-menus ! !! Right now, I can't get mine to SAVE settings. I reset the bloody SCENE every time I shoot ! !!

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16 Nov 2006, 2:02 pm

why is it that they are improving computors so fast that the second you get one there are already 5 kinds better than it?


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16 Nov 2006, 3:43 pm

It really ticks me off when my ADSL modem doesn't connect or gives a 'remote computer could not respond' error.


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16 Nov 2006, 3:46 pm

Krex reminded me of another major irritant... software licenses. especially those that limit your rights as a consumer. If I go out and buy Windows XP, I don't actually OWN anything. Well, except a cd and some paper. To that I say, "Screw you, MegaTechCorp! I shelled out the real money for it, I own it. Come pry it outta my hands."

Automated voice menu's... you know, if you're a small business (or a medium or large or supersized) and you're trying to save some money, perhaps it's best not to do so with something that's been known to piss people off and make them not want to bother contacting you. (Unless that's your goal, in which case, well done!)

Outsourcing. I have nothing against India or its inhabitants. Let's just get that outta the way up-front. I do, however, have issues with calling up AmeriCyberPartsCo for a friend, getting xferred to tech support and hearing something along the lines of someone trying to recite Shakespeare in Portguese with a mouthful of scrambled eggs. You want to save money by outsourcing to India/Pakistan/etc? Great... since none of your customers can understand the techs, you'll save LOTS of money as they decide to take their business elsewhere. (Just a personal note... I'm at about 50/50 thus far on getting a tech with an intelligible mode of speech. I try, I really do, but some of the techs I've gotten just make me want to rip my hair out if I had any).

Cellhphones w/lame ringtones.... agreed. I like to amuse myself my imagining what that stupid ringtone would sound like coming from a random orifice after I've forcefully inserted it there as a penalty for irritating me.

doordoctor.... sure did. Hated almost every minute of it. Handled upwards of 75 calls per day, nearly every one of them could quite easily have been resolved if the caller'd just bothered to read the freakin manual, so to speak.


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17 Nov 2006, 12:19 am

I hate mobile phones and answering machines. I'm sure that they were both invented by NTs, for NTs.


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17 Nov 2006, 1:39 am

CockneyRebel wrote:
I hate mobile phones and answering machines. I'm sure that they were both invented by NTs, for NTs.

I love my answering has saved me many embarrassing and harassing calls from my work quilting me into coming to work on my week off.My boss,during my yearly review,had the nerve to reprimand me for not answering these calls or calling her back to say I wasnt interested in working.What a bunch of manipulative crap.If I wanted to work I would call back...if I dont can assume that I's not rocket science.

On the other hand cell phones...I was driving home yesterday and about half the drivers had their ears glued to a cell phone.....what is so important tht you cant wait until you are not hurtling at great speed in several tones of steel,to guess....Nothing,they just love to hear the sound of their own voices and are afraid of talking to themselves(like I do)....Can they even tolerate a few minutes alone with their own brains and "theoretical" thoughts?How painful that would be for them.At work,my co-worker will get or make about 6 personal calls in an hour.....while the client sits there waiting for their shower or another bite of makes me ill.

End rant....for now.

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17 Nov 2006, 3:04 am

CockneyRebel wrote:
I hate mobile phones and answering machines. I'm sure that they were both invented by NTs, for NTs.

Thanks Cockney... answering machines. Bane of my existence. I never expect them when I call someone (I usually know when the people I'm calling are home) so they get "beep! ...... ...uh... it's me. I called, obviously... call me ba - God I hate these things. You know who I am, call me when you get back from wherever i... click. beep- freakin' thing cut me off... call me back when you get back from wherever it is you are at the moment. And burn your damn machine. Or I can do it fo-click."


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17 Nov 2006, 3:36 am

The new style of computers is going to wipe what we're currently using almost entirely out of existence. (ie: the ibm bluegene)

Technology is my saviour, I need music, I need WP, I need my computer.

Yet it also tortures me: ie: mobile phones, difficulty expressing myself in person after such ease on the net, addiction to very same technology causing severe difficulties sometimes.

I think technology has the potential to save mankind, and to pull us apart, at the same time.

Maybe technology itself could be called the new messiah in that case?

All hail the new flesh, cause it suits me fine!


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17 Nov 2006, 3:59 am

I just fixed an extreme problem with the phone in my bedroom. When somebody rang, the noise would be so loud and so high-pitched that it'd make me jump out of my seat in fright. Not good for stimming, I can tell you, and I'd have to spend the next five minutes cooling off about it. Add to that we get at least one phone-call a day, and that can add to some problems. Fortunately, I found something to make it quieter. Tested it by ringing our number with my cellphone and now the problems solved!

Now, if only the Microsoft Word Assistant were like that: Presenting me with the soloution to the problem, and not seven similar ones.

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17 Nov 2006, 4:36 am

I wrote an article on my blog that is relevant here, moaning about newer software being worse than it's predecessor.

Here it is:

From time to time software vendors completely botch up their own perfectly good programs. For example, Zone Alarm Anti Virus used to have a very good updater i.e. it updated ten minutes after startup, asked permission and gave a meaningful dialogue. Since the new updater came along, it's completely out of control and jams the CPU when it feels like it.

In this spirit, here are my favorite non current programs that are better than their successors:

JPEG Resizer 2.1 by Igor Kovalesky. The perfect simple resizer. Later versions ruined the program by adopting a file based GUI that overcomplicated the process and more unnecessary functions.
RegCleaner by Jouni Vuorio. Now a $20-30 shareware app, in it's earlier form it was freeware. If you still have it it's very good.
Netscape 7.2. The last of the true Netscape browsers (sort of) this gave the best overall internet experience I have ever had in all my years of computing.
Mobydock DX 0.87b. Objectdock without the complication and Stardock bloatware.
Acrobat Reader 5. This was the last version before it became huge and unusable.
Special mention goes to: Outlook Express 6. Much hated by many people, it's light and it works, it has plenty of functions and supports http mail. Now about to be replaced by Windows Mail for Vista and Windows Live Mail Desktop, and you can see it won't be as good.

Attack life, it's going to kill you anyway.


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17 Nov 2006, 10:46 am

The new Windows, Vista. My techie friend tells me there's nothing really new about it. BUT the release will mean all PC's will have to have it, everyone will want the upgrade, and the BLOODY thing will be full of hidden problems that the Programmers never noticed ! !!


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17 Nov 2006, 5:54 pm

All-in-one Printers. Printer? Looks more like a toture device to me!

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17 Nov 2006, 6:03 pm

I loathe answering machines, too. I'm never really comfortable talking to them.

Maybe I'm afraid their machine-spirit will steal my soul, I dunno...

Why so serious?

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17 Nov 2006, 9:19 pm

Digital Rights Managment.