nrau wrote:
InThisTogether wrote:
nrau wrote:
new to internet?
how about you go to a random chatroom and see how it works for yourself?
Why would you be rude and mean to someone who is asking a simple question? I can imagine learning internet jargon could be extra difficult for someone who is not a native English speaker.
You always have the option of not joining a conversation you are not interested in.
Rude? are you over-sensitive or something?
I'm giving him a sincere advice. Instead of discussing it like that, he should go and see how it works for himself.
I am not a "he" and I am online since three years.
I often cannot find a context between a text and inflictions (I hope, this word is a right one,) which alter the meaning of a text in adding an altered meaning to the words written, also in my mother language.
English is not my native language, so I will very likely do mistakes in writing or understanding. My edits are due to corrections of mistakes, which I sometimes recognize just after submitting a text.