Drugs drugs and in the end drugs :P haha
Is the emptying of neruotransmitters a harmless feature?
Well, if you like to have no emotions ok.
You talk with such confidence. I have reports, both "neuron growth" reports AND "alzheimers" reports (essentially, these would most likely be connected) but they are nothing more then studies and possibilities.
If it was such a danger, there'd be mounds upon mounds of evidence especially since Marijuana has been around forever. "You" do Heroine constantly, you become skinny and pale and the side effects are visual. Pot? God, you'd be shocked who you'd find out smoked.
Seems like potheads are the next "gays." We all have to come out of the closest and, yes, admit that we "smoke" pot. Everyone will be shocked and think "whoa, he smoked pot? I would have never thought!" < -- you know why? BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME.
P.S. I have all my emotions. Tell me why you use such direct fear and consequence to score a point? You should argue more 'responsibility' and less fear
The rate of destruction depends on the frequency and amount of smoking.
IIRC you said you smoke every day but just a little.
Ok, you still have some neurotransmitters left.
Sooner or later, they will be gone. Enjoy the fun while it lasts... OR:
Go into rehab and spare yourself the pain I live with each day.
Choice is yours.
IIRC you said you smoke every day but just a little.
Ok, you still have some neurotransmitters left.
Sooner or later, they will be gone. Enjoy the fun while it lasts... OR:
Go into rehab and spare yourself the pain I live with each day.
Choice is yours.
Rehab? You know they'd laugh at me if I went into rehab over pot? Caffeine is harder to kick then pot. I can toss the s**t aside whenever I want/whenever I need to. I went home for Christmas and couldn't exactly "bring it with me" to my parents (or on the plane). Did I freak out? No, I just didn't have any pot. Came back, only had a bit, ran out. Did I cry because there was no one to buy it off of? No, I continued my days and picked some up a week later when everyone returned. Slept the same. Ate the same. Only difference was I didn't currently possess any "pot."
"Sooner or later they will be gone" - such confidence. Such confidence with little to no proof. Makes me question where this, seemingly "false," confidence is coming from. Like I said, I've studies stating the complete opposite of what you say, yet, I dont preach about stating "well, keep smoking, you'll encourage brain neuron growth and prevent Alzeheimers" but I merely suggest they have the potential. You, no, you read it and now its concrete fact, propaganda to spread to others.
BTW, who goes to rehab over marijuana? If people came in for pot I'd kick them out and tell them to stop whining about it. Life isnt "reefer madness," the movie.
You seem to have a different definition of "proof" than what I have. I have backed up my claims but they were discarded.
They are proof enough to me, so I see no reason why my claims should be considered false. Documentation from a person with a PhD in several subjects and thousands of his case studies as well as my own experience is proof enough(in my opinion) to allow myself to at least try to prevent others from damaging themselves like I did to myself.
You talk about my confidence in my statements. Now what about yours? Are you stating that marijuana is harmless and not addictive?
You label my claims as insane and trivialize them. I must say I don't really find your claims much convincing either until you provide the same backup for your arguments as you require from me. If Dr.Lin's research is inadequate for you, I can definately say that the "speculations" you and others bring up about pot being a miracle cure aint gonna do it for me.
They are proof enough to me, so I see no reason why my claims should be considered false. Documentation from a person with a PhD in several subjects and thousands of his case studies as well as my own experience is proof enough(in my opinion) to allow myself to at least try to prevent others from damaging themselves like I did to myself.
Oh, but I have and so have others. Many links have been posted. Many MANY links, yet, you ignore them and turn away. I turn away yours that don't apply, such as ruining my life or being addictive. The other "side effects" are too minor for me to give a damn.
On and off, I have repeatedly said Marijuana is not completely harmless. Why, in the blue hell, would I rebutal all your "con" links with my OWN "con" links. I dont see you posting "pro's" to marijuana. You say there is none, yet, again, we provide links upon links from studies upon studies. And yes, its not addictive. If you type in "marijuana's addictive" in google, you'll find support for yourself. Type in that its "not addictve" and you get the other side.
SO, 2 people say different things. 1 group is becoming addicted, the other isnt. Lets question why there is a difference there. Why can some say "no" and others not? I think 1 group is blaming a drug and the other is taking on responsibility. Not many people like to blame themselves for faults. If you picked up a gun and killed someone, did the gun do it, or, did you? Well, sympathesizers will "ban guns" thinking they are doing the world a favour but it was the user, not the item.
We use OUR own experiences, yet, they mean nothing to you. Surely, you can say the same to me, right? Well, I've stated somewhere in one of these threads that I've advised a friend to stop because he sits in his basement all day doing nothing but I dont think that advice is going to apply to myself since I have a full time job and go outside, once in a while (I'm sure I've mentioned him, if not, I have now). The guy is wack and I think he has more problems then marijuana but I'm sure, if you met him, you'd blame the marijuana for how useless and just pathetic he is. I blame him, he blames everything else under the sun
I've a friend who had panic attacks while high. Contrary to that, in my new city, the first user I've met said he uses it to PREVENT panic attacks.
My OTHER smoking friends all have as much lives as the next person. Anything they do they'd do sober or high, doesn't matter.
Of course not. You know, any substance you abuse will probably cause you to have problems in life. Are you against Aspirin? After all, if you abuse it like you do illegal drugs, it can cause you lots of neat and harmful things.
No, you're against POT and ILLEGAL drugs because those are drugs that are ABUSED. They have a label attached to them called "illegal." This term is a "negative" one so ALL ideas presented from behind this "label" have quite an uphill struggle, even when they shouldn't be illegal.

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I guess all pot has variable amounts of THC but I guess people can still estimated the
degree they are high and how often they use. In the case of my borther every waking moment he has pot he uses. I consider him the worst case pot head but he abuses
every other drug he can get to (but rarely drinks alcohol). He claimed one time he only spend $10 a day on pot but I'm not so sure on that.
I have read most of the links. But none of them had any definite proof. There were only speculations. If you'll give me a link that proves its claims, I shall gladly change my mind

Want pro's? I'll give you my personal experience mentioning ONLY how I benefited from marijuana:
The thing about marijuana that mentally kept me returning for it was how i experienced music while high. Music is my obsession. When I was stoned and listened to music I was able to "dissect" it into several layers of sound. I understood the aural meaning of music(not lyrical) and had revelations.
I meditated sometimes. I was able to enter a state where I was barely awake. Sometimes I'd fall asleep, sometimes not.
Other times I just watched the sunset and thought of life and stuff... it was all beautiful.
I'd say the only long term benefit for me is my increased insight into psychological situations. Marijuana has actually helped me a great deal with some AS symptoms, but has also worsened other symptoms.
IMO the cons outweigh the pros.
And let me tell you this: If marijuana was harmless, I'd gladly smoke a joint with you

A drug being addictive doesn't mean that if you take one hit, you're automatically addicted or something.
I've heard of people who do heroin once a month and have done so for years, perfectly regulating their habit.
Of course, you have your own will in the end. Addiction just means an urge to repeat a pleasant activity. I have never blamed drugs for being making me addicted to them. I don't blame the drugs for having destroyed me, I blame society for f*****g me up and me for being weak enough to seek refuge in drugs. But, the drugs are still addictive. Everybody are responsible for their own lives, but it doesn't justify drug abuse. Drugs WILL urge you to repeat consuming them. Its how much willpower you have to control the urge that matters how addictive they are to YOU.
I've never touched it. Can't say I support it either.
Interesting. Yeah, pot did nothing for me either, except completely screw up my LONG-TERM memory the next day. I essentially forgot how to do my job at the time, which involved setting up a restaurant kitchen. I forgot where everything went, even though I'd done it 5 days a week for 9 months and could do it blindfolded normally.
That was 15+ years ago. Haven't touched it since. I don't like feeling that stupid.
Im reserving my judgement on Dr Lins research for when ive actually SEEN some of it.
Why doesnt he publish the data or even summarise it on his website? why the secrecy?
I studied quantitative & qualitative statistical analysis briefly at university. If he has 1000's of fans it would be a doddle to organise a survey and determine if his claims & treatments might meet the threshold for clinical significance. It might not even be a water-tight, placebo-controlled method, but it would at least be something. Surely any self-respecting scientist would demand that their theories were objectively testedfor significance, no matter how firmly their conviction? Objectivity is a crucial part of the scientific method.
The only reason i can think of is that he is making plenty of money already, so he is either not bothered about proof or scared of being proven wrong. - He is a businessman first, scientist second. Imo you should face the possibility that there is at least some possibility that youve been conned. This is often a painful revelation, but one that needs to be guarded against at all times. I try not to be 100% certain about anything - its a jungle out there, hustlers wait round every corner & rigid, unflexible thinking leaves one open to abuse.
Last edited by psych on 06 Feb 2007, 9:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.