loosewheel wrote:
What about the Six Million Dollar Man. Bionic legs, right arm and left eye. Then he'd reach out with that strong right arm and pick up a ton with it, with about 120 pounds of counter weight. He'd of just flipped himself over and done inverted chin ups. That's if his little lumps of calcium with squishy bits in between of a spine didn't snap like a twig before he got that far. It's no wonder children do silly things, like jump of the roof and try to fly. It's just reckless and irresponsible. There should be a law against it.
that show was hilarious. i saw one episode where he held onto the landing track of a helicopter preventing it from taking off even though his feet were not tethered to the ground. did he weigh so much that a helicopter could not lift him?
in other episodes he was shown riding in helicopters, so either they were more powerful helicopters than the one he prevented from lifting off (with the credit attributed to his "bionic" arm rather than the true fact that only his weight could have prevented the helicopter from taking off), or the one he prevented from lifting off was defective in a way that was never explained in the show.
i wonder if lee marvin is dead yet? if he is not, then he must be a brittle old fellow. sarah faucet is dead so i guess he is too. i will now look it up.