Source: New York Times
7 minutes ago
TOLEDO, OHIO – PSOTers like Unknown are outraged that MTV is lying to scare young voters with Asperger's Syndrome into believing there is going to be a draft, so Unknown has resolved to take on the media giant. A protest is scheduled in front of MTV Networks at 2600 Colorado Blvd in Santa Monica this Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. MTV recently posted a fake draft induction card on Ahayes's dorm room with the forged signature of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld that says “this could be you.” Furthermore, MTV sent out e-mail spams to random Wrong Planet Forum Members skewing facts on the draft including a link to a video clip that is clearly meant to incite fear.
In a press conference to an audience of 2,000 Wrong Planet forum members, Unknown said: "MTV is misleading young aspie voters through a campaign of fear that is intended to affect how they vote based on the false premise of a potential draft. Just like Hilary Clinton, MTV is lying to our generation to scare us into submission, all the while dishonoring our troops by using their service as an instrument of fear!”
Unknown later stated, "We’re going to take a stand, PSOT, demand honesty, and let them know that it is our vote, not Viacom’s or MTV’s...we won’t let them dodge the facts to draft us in their cultural war!”
The protest will be held Friday, February 7, 2007 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) at MTV Networks, 2600 Colorado Blvd., Santa Monica, California.
Donations are currently being held to support Unknown's campaign, and can be submitted by visiting The Churches Of MTV Haters Web Site at