Do some girls actually pretend to be geek girls or nerd g...
Some girls just think it's fashionable to be a geek. I knew a totally non-geeky, popular, slut-type girl who wore a dress with GEEK written on it and lied claiming to have a doctoral (not doctorate, she didn't even say that right) in science. I lost all respect for her when she started talking about positive and negative neutrons.
It IS fashionable to be a geek nowadays. "Geek" culture is effectively and definitively mainstream. 'Star Wars' and Marvel/DC are among the biggest entertainment properties in the world, shows like 'The Big Bang Theory' and 'Comic Book Men' are enormously successful, video gaming rakes in billions of dollars every year...what used to be derided as "nerdy" is now trendy. Walk the streets and you'll immediately find jocks and preps wearing superhero t-shirts. I sell Pop Figures of every conceivable comic/TV/movie character to every conceivable type of person at my work. To derisively single out women as following a popular mainstream trend over men and children reeks of sexist elitism. I've seen men wear "geek"/"nerd" shirts, so what gives them any more credibility over a preppy-looking woman wearing the same? How does a penis enhance and legitimize one's enjoyment of pop culture?
It baffles me that we even have to bring gender into who likes particular types of pop culture. Women have played a massively prominent role in the development of sci-fi and sci-fi fandom since the beginning, from Mary Shelley writing arguably the first science fiction novel to the two women who published the first 'Star Trek' fanzine and organized the first 'Star Trek' convention in 1969, so why are women singled out over men in regards to nerd "legitimacy"? Just on a personal level, every convention I've been to, from major pop culture expos like Comic-Con to small-scale explicitly comic-oriented cons in community centers, have always been equally split between genders. There's always been women in table-top RPG groups I've played with. The PC adventure gaming communities I'm part of are known for having a large female demographic. A majority of cosplay, fan art and fan fiction online is done by women. It's just unbelievable to me that this is even an issue sometimes. Any man who looks at a girl who's into some aspect of geek culture with vociferous suspicion clearly has some deep-seated insecurities to work out.
I have known a girl who would claim to be a gamer girl when she actually gamed very little. (I've gamed about the same amount and there is no way I'd call myself a gamer girl).
She has a little interest in a very special interest of mine (Tolkien's Legendarium). It bothers me when she says she met a guy and he says she was unique or nerdy/geeky cool for liking it when I absolutely love it and cannot seem to find people who like it too... Or at least people in real life.
Also saying she likes (insert nerd/geek subject) after she said she didn't. I find this sort of thing quite annoying.
Female | Suspected Aspergers | Tolkienist | Ravenclaw | Whovian
"I do not wish to evade the world
Yet I will forever build my own" - Tuomas Holopainen
Do these types actually exist? Or are they just a paranoid person's fiction?
Would some of them go into the gaming and computer technology hobby purely for that?
Like trying to seduce the nerdy guys and perform criminal acts on them?
There was a video somewhere on youtube that showed that stereotype in a parodic way, it got me thinking.
lol yeah..they're called posers.
I'm sure there is at least one person screwed up enough to do that, but no, that is not a thing. If they hated geeks enough to screw them over, they wouldn't get caught dead looking like a geek themselves. Most the girls are genuine, some genuinely like aspects of the fashion or whatever, but aren't into all the culture, and the few who fake it generally actually find some nerdy guy attractive and are thus trying to attract them.
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