I really follow no subculture at this point, though in the past I was in the Punk scene (1980-82, and again from 1985-????) I suppose I still am, though the Blue Mohawk, and the reverse mohawk are now long gone.
From 1982- 83 I looked the part of a juvenile delinquent street kid, which is essentially what I was.
In 1984, I looked like a complete misfit/geek ( Which I was, and suppose I still am, though I don't dress the part) with wild, bushy hair, mismatched clothes.
Jeans, Motorcycle jacket, Black dress leather vest (occasionally), Adidas Sport T-shirt, or Striped V Neck terrycloth sweatshirt, with footwear that consisted of either Engineer's Boots, Horrible Jump boots that made the skin over my achilles tendon bleed, or Blue Converse trainers, topped off with a black Greek fisherman's cap. The glasses with thick plastic vaguely aviator shape completes the picture.
In 1985, I flirted breifly with the hippie scene via The Grateful Cead, but got back into the Punk scene later that year.
Now I look working class functional, which (again) I am. (Cropped hair, Comabat boots, or steeltoe tennis shoes, Flat cap AKA a 'Scallie', cuffed bluejeans, black Pocket T-shirt, and a half length black leather jacket.) People have told me that I look like either an Irish or English gangster, possibly due to the fact that I hardly smile. Appaently this scares people, though it's not intentional.
When There's No There to get to, I'm so There!