I don't know if this has anything to do with spirits or demons but last year, one day on the way home from work, I got this little voice in my head telling me not to head home but to go up this small street and get a good look. I proceeded up the street to end up having to reverse back out of it because police were making an arrest and the street was blocked. I didn't think anything of it until I got home - my house was robbed. I called the police and they came over to investigate and make a report. It turned out that the two people that were arrested up that small street were the ones that robbed my house. I got everything back EXCEPT I don't know if they stole information from my home. That's what I have to be constantly vigilant about. Another time, I started to have a lot of things happen to me - vandalism, slashing of tires, rude phone calls, broken windows. I prayed to God to please help me because I felt like I had an invisible enemy. I asked for a revelation. My very own Uncle was caught and arrested. I didn't press charges but it was arranged in court where he had to pay for all damages. I later learned that he was angry that his deceased brother put me in his will. I guess he figured I was left millions of dollars. Actually it was only 400 dollars and I inherited his 40 year old parrot. My Uncle was kept out of the will. The funny thing about the bird was that every time damage was done to my property, he'd yell out "Bad Bob", Bad Bob". I figured he just did that. I thought he was saying
Bad Bud. My other, nice Uncle (the bird's owner) used to feed this bird some sort of buds. This bird is particular and doesn't eat everything. I thought he just didn't like the seed I was giving him. He was actually telling me who was doing the damage. I kept him in the window. Another time, I had learned that an older woman who I worked with and who I was very fond of passed away more than a year ago. I was heart-broken because no one told me. I still have no closure but on the way to work, I was listening to classical music which was this woman's favorite music. All of a sudden, I got this feeling like I was in a magical cloud - the only way to describe this would be "LOVE". I felt her presence right in the middle of my chest and heard the words. "All is Well". I cried. There are SO MANY things I can post about but there are entirely too many. I always hold Psalm 23 to my heart.
I find it interesting to note that a lot of alleged ghost sightings have a lot to do with either alcohol and drugs, extreme emotional states, hearing voices in one's head, or third-hand accounts of someone else's story.
In any case, no one has offered any verifiable proof that ghosts exist.
Also, my aunt had told me several times about when she AND her father saw the same ghost!! They were riding on a horse together (the regular mode of transportation, back then), and out, ahead of them, was a woman with long blonde hair, and a white nightgown. When they got up to where she was, she was gone.
Something similar to the first part of your post happened to be after my grandfather passed away. I got out of the shower in my bathrobe and headed toward my bedroom to get dressed. I looked down the steps and I swore I saw him coming up the steps!! He just disappeared. For me and other aspies I know, there is an explanation. I think at times because we're different, we experience grief this way and aren't even aware of it. I think the memory portion of our brains somehow fuse with the optical and audio by impulses of grief that we don't even recognize feeling and we see a hallucination. As far as your aunt's account of a ghost, I think it is a real person and your two relatives "expect" that it's a ghost and their brains misfire thinking it actually is. I experienced this too.
Anything regarding "Mothman" scares me.
Just for info, a study was done of famous 'haunted' places. That is places with a high number of people reporting odd feelings and such. It was done in England and included castles, very old homes, etc.
What the team found was the spots associated with odd feelings nearly all had some physical anomaly in the form of odd draft, or heated air current, vibration, etc. Their conclusion was that the unexpected physical stimulus (which was often too faint for people to notice consciously) was sparking the odd sense or feeling. It is the same sort of thing that can happen when you suddenly enter a dark place. Your mind takes the ball and just runs with it and you imagine all sorts of spooky things.
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Here's a question:
Do any of you believe in coincidences, hallucinations, pareidolia, mistaken identity, or the basic fundamentals of how the brain interprets what the eyes see if there is any degree of uncertainty?
Because all of these things are real, demonstratable, tangible, fact and evidence-based and coupled with a basic knowledge of Human psychology will explain every single supposed "ghost" sighting...
"You're entitled to your wrong opinion..."
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Also, my aunt had told me several times about when she AND her father saw the same ghost!! They were riding on a horse together (the regular mode of transportation, back then), and out, ahead of them, was a woman with long blonde hair, and a white nightgown. When they got up to where she was, she was gone.
Something similar to the first part of your post happened to be after my grandfather passed away. I got out of the shower in my bathrobe and headed toward my bedroom to get dressed. I looked down the steps and I swore I saw him coming up the steps!! He just disappeared. For me and other aspies I know, there is an explanation. I think at times because we're different, we experience grief this way and aren't even aware of it. I think the memory portion of our brains somehow fuse with the optical and audio by impulses of grief that we don't even recognize feeling and we see a hallucination. As far as your aunt's account of a ghost, I think it is a real person and your two relatives "expect" that it's a ghost and their brains misfire thinking it actually is. I experienced this too.
Yeah, I definitely feel that some ASDers feel things differently, and I like your theory about our memory fusing with the optical and audio impulses. I think, probably, that my seeing my grandmother ironing, was just because I had seen her there, so many times----and, like you said, maybe I was seeing a memory, or something like that, and it manifested itself "solidly", maybe.
I also like the thing Toy_Soldier posted about the feeling you get when you walk into a dark room----my grandmother wasn't in a dark room----but, I totally have experienced how one's mind can play tricks, on them.
In any case, no one has offered any verifiable proof that ghosts exist.
I remain skeptical of anything I might see or feel. Two of my grandparents had schizophrenia and I'm just bidding my time for now. That night was most likely nothing, just the result of an extreme emotional state.
In the last term of my final year at university I experienced sleep paralysis, including the belief that there was an ‘evil spirit’ sitting on my chest, pinning me to the bed, all I could do was move my eyes. It was terrifying and felt 100% real. I looked it up online and made the connection with stress from the workload and sleep deprivation.
On several occasions ( one happening two nights ago ) I kept seeing things with my deceased sister or her image on them. Yes I was like her best friend, but it was five years ago, and I never see her like a person in extreme grief. One time the dream seemed so real, that I thought she had never " left ". Sometimes she is just sitting in the background or she is the main person in the dream.
That is I think actually very natural. At least I experience frequent dreams with my deceased parents in them, like they are still alive. We were always close. They still have a large place in my consciousness and unconsciousness.
I was looking for something else and ended here. With this topic I remembered something about a blind spot that sometimes make us see things that aren't real. Probably you heard about that before, but here's the link:
I experienced something in my past:
- Items in my house were moving by themselves after my aunt died,
- I felt (physically) as if something invisible is sitting on my bed and shaking me to wake me up while my mom had a dream about sitting on my bed and shaking me to wake me up,
- I had a dream about flying inside of my house and watching my mom preparing for work while staying invisible to her. After waking up I acknowledged I seen exactly which clothes she is wearing and what she prepared for the breakfast.
And I also heard a lot of ghost stories.
So I think it's not impossible for ghosts to exist although I'm not taking the idea too seriously. It could be all just coincidence. Or my memory/feeling of reality could be wrong. All this happened when I was still a kid or a teenager.
About demons: I don't believe in them but I find their existence amusing. When I was 14 year old I figured I am too weird to be a human and I must be a demon stuck in human body. So I befriended another demon that suddenly started appearing in my dreams almost every night, to learn how to use demon powers.
I grown up from that stage by now but I have to say I still miss my "eighth grader syndrome". It was a really fun time. I was feeling so powerful.
Do any of you believe in coincidences, hallucinations, pareidolia, mistaken identity, or the basic fundamentals of how the brain interprets what the eyes see if there is any degree of uncertainty? Because all of these things are real, demonstrable, tangible, fact and evidence-based and coupled with a basic knowledge of Human psychology will explain every single supposed "ghost" sighting ...
People would rather believe in improvable fantasies like disembodied entities than in real-world occurrences of coincidence, hallucination, mistaken identity, natural bodily functions, pareidolia, fatigue, suggestibility, gullibility, brain damage, schizophrenia, trickery, hysteria, alcohol, drugs, ignorance, and outright lies.
In any case, no one has offered any verifiable proof that ghosts of any kind exist.
I work in an old iconic building that is infested with spiritual entities.
In one of the outbuildings that was empty and had the shutters down on all the doors, I was most surprised to see a normal looking man walk past me and into the lift, but the lift doors closed and then immediately opened to reveal nobody was inside.
Many of my workmates can reveal similar incidents.