All sorts of random things. (How convenient...random discussion...) In one of them, Osama bin Laden got pissed that I tripped on an ethernet cable in his compound and knocked some stuff down. I don't know what I was doing there, or why there was fact most of the details simply don't make sense. There was also some video-game based stuff in there, like the zone (in many games) where you have to go through it in the right order to make it out. That one was really weird.
Last night, had something to do with being a janitor, if I remember right it was for Tony Blair. Yeah, I was confused by that as well. Not a bad dream by any means, just really...random and odd.
Other than that, the usual oddities. Vampires in a couple, getting shot in several (always great how I get shot and then go "Damn...that should have hurt a lot more and kept me down...") stuff like that.
Only two things that irritate me, I always seem to wake up right in the middle of it while I'm enjoying it, and I seem to not remember most of my dreams. At least I seem to remember some good / off the wall ones.