naturalplastic wrote:
I still trying to wrap my head around Robin Williams passing away in 2015.
Hard to fathom, but it's been one year longer... Robin passed on in 2014. I remember a co-worker of mine wearing his 'Goodmorning Vietnam' shirt just for the occasion.
The death that left the greatest emotional impact on me has been George Michael's recent passing. That's not because it's still fresh, but because of what his music has meant to me throughout my life. I still haven't been able to give it its proper place. Perhaps when the autopsy results shed more light on the cause of death, it will give a bit of closure.
Other than that, I was disturbed by the sudden and early deaths of the following two:

Christina Grimmie, age 22, murdered in June in Orlando by a crazy fan after a concert.

Anton Yelchin, age 28, died when he was caught between his garage door and his Jeep, the brakes of which had malfunctioned.
Snatched away in the prime of their lives, on this New Year's Eve I'd like to let my thoughts go out to them one more time.
clarity of thought before rashness of action