redrobin62 wrote:
You know, when I read this post, I was expecting to find some real controversial toppings like beetles, crickets, mealworms, casu marzu, grubs, that sort of thing.
you know, dried crickets really aren't that bad, even on their own. on a pizza i imagine they'd give it a nice nutty crunch.
Skilpadde wrote:
I like pineapple, bacon, pesto, and some spinach on a pizza. Pineapple particularly is delicious on some pizzas.
same here. i can't have any pizza without at LEAST some spinach. chicken is a must have, as is pesto (i may be chemically addicted), and shrimp is good too, though IMO it works better when the sauce isn't tomato based. gotta have me some decapods.
balsamic is fine.
any kind of culinary fruit though, is a sick joke. it should be against international law. its removal should be enforced by all federal agencies. there should be a constitutional amendment against it. it should be given the same status as chemical and biological warfare. the queen, putin, mugabe and the ghost of napoleon should all publicly decry it.
but this:
i don't even know WHAT on earth is going on here.
i get that food should both taste
and look good...but it shouldn't look like a 7th grade art student's color wheel project.
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