I mean, it bothers me that a disability beyond my control meant I couldn't have what many of them have PLUS take for granted, such as sexual relationships and overall health. The severity of my sensory issues and OCD alone has made having a normal life thus far absolutely impossible for me.
I've completely given up on the supposedly normal facets of happiness such as marriage or kids. I want neither. Which is fine
But it's just the ease with which people with better health can make life choices. That is painful to see. They just don't ''get'' what it's like not to have that leverage, not to have that choice- to have it taken away from you altogether.
They have many of their own problems and don't have perfect lives- but having a debilitating health condition is a world away even from that. Often.
Plus I had to watch both my healthier siblings have partners for years and years before I ever had anyone, and they had no understanding or sympathy for how hard this deprivation was for me. They didn't care (or understand)
So yes it's been extremely hard not to feel bitter, jealous, resentful, rageful, disdainful, outraged and envious.
What's interesting now, though, is that I'm 31 and whilst I've struggled against the most ENORMOUS, CRIPPLING ODDS with my health throughout my young life so far to get where I am, and REALLY appreciate what I have now, such as a boyfriend and comparatively better health;
my peers that experienced (often far) better health and could get degrees, travel, party, have physical & mental health, socialise, make choices, have fun, work, have many relationships etc. and bought into the normal facets of happiness (which I long ago gave up on), such as marriage, are now experiencing things such as their marriages not working out and so on.
Which just goes to show I guess.