Raleigh wrote:
I was interested to learn recently that the parables of Jesus weren't original, but taken from stories of the Buddha.
Then there's flood accounts predating the bible's version of the story, but very similar in detail.
I find it all very fascinating.
Yeah like I said humans around the world all evolve to believe in similar myths and religious beliefs. Sometimes they are influenced by other cultures and sometimes they come up with it on their own. But these are some of the core beliefs:
* They all enjoy tales of people seeking redemption after committing an atrocious act.
* They all enjoy tales of the "afterlife" and being able to exist after death.
* They all enjoy tales of divine punishment to those who have done something wrong.
* They all enjoy an explanation of how something they are unable to explain works such as seasonal changes or the rising and lowering of the sun and the moon (you know before science came along and ruined this for everybody