naturalplastic wrote:
magz wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Just what is this "Inspirobot" thing?
Does it just work by random, and throw stuff together, or what?
It's an AI.
Obviously its artificial "intelilgience" . That's why bot is in the name. But what IS it? How does it work?
It's a deep learning machine.
Here is a bit of analysis of what it has learned: ... ve-systemsIt creates gramatically and structurally coherent sentences and even tries to pick a picture that would "fit" - which is the deep learning goal here - but it obviously lacks the real "wisdom", which makes the inspirational quotes randomly funny.
I wouldn't be surprised if the developers used sharing of the generated quotes as a feedback mechanism - which would result in aim for funny quotes.
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>