shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
It could mean ladies are inferior
It could mean ladies are superior
But it means biological sex is important

No not really. Passing is but biology isn't (and even if someone passes or is cis, people will open the door for him because it is polite to open the door for anyone). Like Cockney said, he opens the door for ladies. I'm nb and pass as a guy in general society and I open the door for ladies, trans or cis doesn't matter. Although I'm also a nice person so I open the door for anyone. My one rule on it is really 'is that person carrying heavy objects' if so it doesn't matter if I'm in a rush, the door is getting held open. Only person I've seen in a hoop skirt lately was a cis guy (a drag queen), people don't tend to dress like that nowadays outside of dressing up.
Not actually a girl