maycontainthunder wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
maycontainthunder wrote:
I'm afraid I wouldn't clap them under any circumstances. When I was a child I went to all these assessments, was put on a vile diet for years and all because the doctor was doing a thesis on my condition and how diet affected it. HE DIDN'T GIVE A DIAGNOSIS! Had he done so I might've got the support that I needed instead I got mercilessly bullied because I couldn't fit in and not a thing was done.
One doctor once made a mistake, therefore I will never appreciate them again.One doctor that was a SPECIALIST. He tricked my mother into putting me on that HORRIBLE diet just so he could use me as a lab rat. I was forced to eat things that tasted vile and had to watch others eating things I couldn't for YEARS and for what? The feed his ego.
The NHS are utterly hopeless like diagnosing my father with Parkinsons then giving him the WRONG medications at stupidly high doses? Some of this medication he was ALLERGIC to and threw a reaction that put him in hospital for a fortnight and even then the CLOWNS still didn't put him on the right medication let alone the right dosage?
That’s just humans being human, happens in every health system in the world on occasion.
I was missed for rumbling appendix for a decade, at times and excruciatingly painful decade: when I eventually saw and adult consultant at age eighteen I was rushed into theatre jumping the entire queue because it was within an hour of bursting.
Several children’s doctors made mistakes, I suffered from them: but I was also saved at top speed from a potentially fatal complication.
Don’t understand resenting the entire massive institution because humans are fallible flawed little critters.