What do these nightmares mean?
I know, it is a very creepy video. I think it's the way he talks and the eerie music in the background and the most uncanny valley images and videos he could find. The bit at the very end scared me the most, where there's a faint image of a face that looks like Michael Jackson staring at you. When I first watched the video, I managed to watch it all the way through but when I saw that face at the end I nearly had a heart attack and fumbled for the mouse in a panicky hurry to close the video.
And I'm someone who doesn't scare easily.
I watched the video too Joe. Thanks for posting. I've never heard of the term uncanny valley before. I think that "creepy" is when something doesn't make sense to us. The teddy with teeth doesn't make sense even though it's a toy and we know it can be made with any type of mouth. Teddy eyes or teddy arms aren't always realistic, or teddies might wear clothes like a human, but somehow that's not creepy. I think the teeth were considered creepy because you don't know if the teddy has a human brain or a "stuffed bear" brain. I didn't find it creepy myself but it was weird and I wouldn't want to cuddle it.
As a kid I was totally terrified of identical twins. I still am, kind of. I think they were creepy because I didn't understand how it worked biologically. It didn't make sense to me that people could have duplicates. I saw it as a weird form of birth defect or something. The movie The Shining didn't help, but I was already creeped out by them before it was released. Things that don't make sense make us uncomfortable because we don't know how they'll act.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.
Generally, I don't see scary faces in my dreams but I have in clothes piles and boxes on a windowsill.
Can you lucid dream? When bad things happen in my dreams, I can often take over and change things. I know that when something is truly disturbing, it can be difficult for me to take control at first. One time I dreamt I was being chased by a murderer with a distorted face, and I stopped running, turned to face him and yelled at the guy. Other options include sudden floor cave ins underneath their feet, turning the weapon into a bouquet of flowers etc.
Is there a way for you to destress a little before bed?