Joe90 wrote:
Enough to get everyone doing everything online as quickly as possible I suppose. That's right, lockdowns are a scam to get everyone online. Sometimes I want out of this world.
Getting everyone online is a problem here in the US because broadband access is not available everywhere, or at least not affordably. Some rural areas & mountain regions do not have cable or DSL lines as an option(I know of a few areas in my state that don't have either). Those people either have to use dial-up(I call it cr@p-up cuz things loaded very slowly when I had it in 2001 & 2002 when sites used a lot less bandwidth than they do nowadays), their cellphone service(which may barely work at home due to no nearby tower or bad terrain & other factors), home satellite internet(which can cost aLOT & go out every time there is bad weather or may not even be available at all due to terrain blocking the signal), or leave their homes to use the net(like go visit somebody or use public wifi at a coffee shop or library). Also lots of areas with high-speed broadband like cable & DSL, only have one single service provider as an option & it's a major company that is able to charge aLOT due to no competition which lots of poor people can majorly struggle to afford their exuberant prices.
For example last year Xfinity planned on implementing a data-cap nation wide. Lots of areas in the US already had that data-cap but Vermont & some other states in the region did not. It was supposed to go into effect here at the beginning of the year but a month or so after it went into effect, Xfinity decided to put it off a bit due to backlash. Xfinity stated it would go into effect next year to give their customers time to an analyze how they use their data. Various customers complained to them & contacted their politicians about it, I did both. If we're getting charged a lot for home internet that they claim is supposed to always be on & is supposed to be very fast but they have a speed limit that we are never able to go over without paying for a faster plan 1st & we are not maxing out our bandwidth most of the day, & they raise their regular prices every year including when they planned to implement their data-cap, & then they would charge you even more if you went over it. They should NOT need to implement a data-cap, especially during a pandemic when they are already making tons of money off of. They're sticking it to their customers when they need it the most & trying to make even more money off of them should be considered price gauging.
If we tell the US citizens that they are not allowed to leave their homes & they are unable to have or afford broadband at their homes & they need the internet for education & medical stuff, they are completely sh!t out of luck & even more kids in poor communities will have untreated medical issues & not be able to access education. Then the government would rant & rave about them being lazy leeches sucking on the teats of the hard-working American taxpayer because we made it impossible for them to access education & health services that they need in order to have any shot in hell of being gainfully employed.