Ana54 wrote:
I'm scared of going into subways and malls, because theree could be terror atacks, but then I'm scared that I'll die alone, in some lonely place, and my soul won't be saved, so I go into the crowded places anyway.
You're more likely to get hit by a lightning than being the victim of a terrorist attack.
But it's good to be cautions of populated areas enough to not live there permanently at least.
Most killed people get killed by someone they know, or usually a human, at least, and if there's a catastrophe, get out of the city, etc.
But don't let that stop you from enjoying life.
Speaking of enjoying life, getting a life mate is nice, but you will die alone anyway.
There might be someone holding your hand, or in a worse case, other people dying around you, but you will still be
dying alone.
Might as well
get used to the idea.