mrpieceofwork wrote:
"But seriously, what other ways are there to pronounce these:"
US "English" pronunciations, to wit:
contributor - con TRIB you ter
pixels - PICKS oles (I think I heard someone say "pYk soles" but don't quote me on that lol)
repercussions - REE per cush uhns
decade - DECK aid
plethora - PLETH ora
Byzantine - BIZ an teen
medieval - mid Evil
against - UGH inst
geysers - GUY zers
autopsy - AU topsee (pretty sure I heard "au TOP see")
But that's how I pronounce all those, except Guy zers. I say Ghee zers. I might say Bye zan tyne. I don't say that word often enough to know!
What other way is there to pronounce Repercussions, I have no idea. re PER cussions. re per CUSS ions. re per cuss IONS.
In fact most of those words I don't say often enough to know how to pronounce: pixels, plethora, Byzantine, medieval, geysers, autopsy.
That alien woman. On Earth to observe and wonder about homo sapiens.