I forgot a couple:
"In God We Trust"
"One Nation Under God"
I know where these phrases originate from, but the Christian Nationalists spammed them at my former workplace. Literally, they would write these on the envelopes!
People and courts have argued for decades that the addition to the pledge and the change of the motto is not something to be concerned about, despite how much it violates the constitution. I fear we are seeing how false that notion of it not being anything to be concerned about really is. These phrases stamped all over our money and pledge have given false license to these Christian Nationalists to take over the government and claim that this is their country. (and they said that all of the time - variations of "this is OUR nation").
When they used "We the People" that really got me, because they are a minority, thus they don't speak for we the people and that's a fact.
Anyway, got political there, oops.
TwilightPrincess wrote:
“Women are the weaker vessel.”
“Wives be in subjection to your husbands.”
“Men are the head of women.”
“Turn the other cheek.”
“Spare the rod, spoil the child.” Batshit crazy.
Yeah all of those are bad. And don't even get me started on the last one... Yikes.
Also, the phrase "women are too emotional for ...". What a bunch of nonsense. Had a man say the other day that we are too emotional to make any decisions for our own lives.

But more commonly I see this nonsense used to justify not liking women as bosses or not voting for them as president.
It's just such complete and utter garbage. Men aren't emotional? Have they ever seen men? Have they never seen the man that's running for president in the USA? Seriously.
Diagnosed with ADHD, Strongly Suspecting I'm also Autistic