Slink wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
Slink wrote:
O+, aka gutterblood. Tastes like salt, rust and bananas and is kinda weak and watery.
You can tell your blood type by the taste?
Medical Science would probably disagree with me, but I'd say, yeah.
I'm not a vampire, honest! I don't want to gross people out or anything, but
as a kid I used to taste blood. I didn't know any better and I cut it out before I caught something. Um, yeah. TMI.
Some bloods have a boogery taste.
Actually, I do drink blood on ocassion (Blood/Biting/Vampirism Fetish) and there is a significant difference in taste between the typings. It's because of the anitgens present in the blood or on the actual cell or in some cases Rhesus antigens. O- is best my experience.
I am personally O-, I am a universal donor but I can only take O- blood.
~ SHODAN, AI Goddess Gone Insane
How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!