I was the person being bullied, but as I'v got older I'm much more assertive and will not allow someone in my presence to be brow-beat or bullied. I will always stand up for the "Underdog" And when I KNOW I'm right I can really "verbally filet" someone. Have put quite a few people into tears.(Teachers, Receptionists) I never cuss or raise my voice, I just start pulling out the "5-syllable words" and show them how asinine their behaviour is. Then I usually ask them if they're O.K., and whats wrong... have realized that usually they put others down so they can feel that they're better than someone else. In my mind that always meant THEY were who really needed "help". Being bullied taught me compassion and I pity anyone who has to live w/ themmselves carring those misdeeds in their heart for a lifetime.
On the other hand" If you hadn't been such a DI-K to other people, you would't have that guilt now would ya?" Loved the movie "Flatliners" because of the "Bully "scene.
Did I dream this belief, or did I believe this dream?
Peter Gabriel
If only closed minds came with closed mouths. Lau: "But where would they put their feet?" Postpaleo: "Up their ass."