Jimbogf wrote:
A women stalking me... I wouldn't mind.
Oh yes you would, trust me. I had a woman stalker, and it was not fun.
She would wait, sometimes for hours, in her big car across the street from where I live; she would pop up at the grocery store, at a bar, in a movie theatre, at the gym, even at the place I got my hair cut. Once, she saw me go into my apartment with a date, and she called the fire department. Said there was a fire at my place. Can you imagine two huge firetrucks with deafening sirens and blinding lights in my quiet neighborhood? And the worst part was that she was by all accounts very beautiful: mid twenties, blond, green eyes, very white porcelain skin, a knockout figure and very well groomed (she had married money, serious money, her husband was 72 years old, get the picture?, so she had nothing better to do but shop, get beauty treatments, and follow me). So nobody took it seriously.
When I went to the cops to file a formal complaint and a restraining order, (and I had all these eye witnesses and reports), I showed them her picture and they exchanged glances and were like "SHE's your stalker??? Uhm, I wouldn't worry about it too much, young man." It was all for them not to burst out laughing; and I knew they'd be making lewd comments the instant I left.
This went on for months. I bartend/wait in a very high end French restaurant/bar, so she would hang out at the bar and watch me and try to flirt with me. She had a picture in her wallet of an old time movie star she had a crush on as a girl, and she would take it out and show it to whoever was sitting next to her and say "Doesn't Michel look just like him? Wouldn't we make the most beautiful couple together?". And I'd force a smile. Sometimes she'd bring a girlfriend and they'd giggle all evening and get drunk, or she'd go to the restaurant part with her husband, and request me as her waiter for the evening. Her husband was a big shot, so my boss, who's an uber-whore, had no problem asking me to wait on my stalker and her old husband, who had no clue about what was going on, and would not have believed it anyway, his ego being too big to believe his precious trophy wife would do that.
Everyone thought it was a joke, "poor Michel being stalked by a rich blond bombshell", boo-hoo. My co workers were like "Dude, she can stalk me all day and all night, he he...".
I wasn't laughing.
Things finally came to a head when she broke into my place and stole many, many pictures of me, and her husband found those pictures in her "secret" drawer, and he was furious, absolutely furious. According to his maid, he ripped up all the photos (which made me mad, since they were the only prints I had) and flew into a rage. Or as much of a rage you can fly into when you're 72 and weigh what appears to be 300 pounds.
All hell broke loose: he called my work, wanted me fired, then found out she had been buying me all this expensive stuff that I would return (well, most of it, anyway) and he grilled the staff who admitted she did indeed have an unhealthy crush on me and talked about me non-stop.
I somehow felt I was responsible for this... I was so unhappy, everything was such a mess and so surreal.
He must have had some talk with her, because it all stopped, like magic. They apparently went for a very long cruise, almost 6 months, and she was fine when she came back.
So no, no, no, no, no, it is not flattering to be stalked. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.