Brittany2907 wrote:
My mother told me that when she was walking her dog today she stopped to talk to a lady. The lady told my mother that her dog had Autism.
I have never came across any dog that has it, or any animal infact.
Can you professionally diagnose Autism in animals?
ignoring whether they are physically autistic or not [need some proper research done on this],animals can be behaviorally autistic.
[these are all cats]
Biscuit [in avatar] is autistic,her worst problem is with senses-she gets really bad sensory overload from noise and feel/touch,she has to have routines and everytime she comes back in from outside she goes to get food,even though she doesn't want it,goes to the front room and once let in,will either walk around the room and come out or go to sleep on the chair or in her house,then she goes up stairs to bed,she has to do it in this way and won't stop till shes done it.
her speaking is not normal cat speaking,she seems to have echolia [or tics] as well as she will do it when she is fine and doing nothing.she likes to squash herself into tight spaces that give pressure,like under the radiator.
Fluffybum is either pddnos or just 'on the spectrum',he does not have sensory problems.