BrutalRhubarb wrote:
A friend of mine said the dialogue in his mind is comprised of one positive voice and one negative voice, which attempts to refute the former's statements, and I definitely follow the same formula. Anyone else do this?
I prefer dialoguing, but I only dialogue in writing. If I ever verbalized my dialogues, I think my co-workers might think that I've flipped. I don't mind verbalizing my monologues though.
My two main characters tend to be myself and a character that's my alter-ego. I tend to be nice and positive, and my alter-ego is quite rude and negative, so I guess they fit the "one positive voice and one negative voice" mentioned by BrutalRhubarb.
I wish I could do internal monologuing and dialoguing. I've tried it before, and I made a little progress, but it doesn't come natural, and sometimes I just can't do it at all. Interestingly, I think a descent portion of my conversations with people online and IRL is an attempt to pull my thoughts out of my subconscious and into my conscious. In other words, I'm using my friends as tools to hear myself think. It's kind of selfish. I'm trying to cut back on that. Does anyone else do this?