Aspies and Preparedness
crispy wrote:
It isnt about carrying a pile of gadgets, but a few things help . News have taught us that a human can find him/her self in a deep trouble faster that anyone can possibly imagine. I read about a lady driving back home from work and her car skidded in a ditch because of the slippery ice. She remianed trapped for a few days and even police suspected her husband for a while before she was found barely alive. If she had a WHISTLE , a simple whistle, she could have alerted searching teams who coulnt see her from the nearby road. Had she had a small knife, she could have cut the seat belt that locked and refused to unlock. If she had a small flashlight, maybe she could have used it at night to signal where she was.
The whistle and flashlight may have worked, but even if she could have gotten out she would be far better off staying in her car, especially if it was icy out. A person can last weeks without food and several days without water, but can die within hours from exposure to elements. And if she was lost in an isolated area, her car would be easier to find than she would be by herself. That's how that one couple who were high on PCP died. They got lost in a snowstorm, and when their car broke down, the PCP made them freak out and leave the safety of their vehicle. They froze to death outside. But I understand what your point was.
One of my aspie obsessions happens to be handy gadgets and survival related items. I always have a backpack full of crap I never use, but could be useful that one time. You never know. I've been a collector of tools, gadgets, camping, safety and survival gear since I was a little kid.
NeantHumain wrote:
It sounds good in theory, but I really just won't go out of my way to prepare for something highly unlikely to happen like that. Keeping a flashlight in one's book bag, for example, seems excessive.
Not even a little LED one clipped to the outside, so you can find the keyhole at night?
When I lose an obsession, I feel lost until I find another.
Aspie score: 155 of 200
NT score: 49 of 200
NeantHumain, it depends what can be considered excessive.
You have a spare tire in your car, you carry it around year in and year out , and rarely use it. Will you consider leaving it in the garage ? I will never drive with out it even if the last time I used it was two years ago.
Flashlights and other small gadgets are sometimes needed. And there is an alternative to carrying these gadgets. The alternative is to have a box of stuff in your office, another box in your car, and another in the house. Then you carry with you keychain-size gadgets, not really big or cumbersome.
Have a look at this one. Looks very nice.