..Just thought of another moment I have forgotten for a long time. Was at an Offspring concert at something called "Kampen Verksted" (gone now) in oslo in... must have been `94 or somewhere around there. That was special, because the place was tiny, it was only room for around 150-200 people or something, but there was around 300 there. So that was a real hassel, but the band played better than I have ever heard them since on cd. It was just great, what a drive and energy. And after the concert, someone stole the movie that someone had filmed of the show
dont know if that ever appeared again, but that I would love to see. Great show. Anyone know if that film exists today?
If I dont remember wrong, a little unsure, it just started with a big, loud, "Hey man you know, I`m really ok..." and it just got better and better from there
think that tune`s called "bad habbit" or something.
Last edited by ImTheGuyThatDidThat on 30 May 2008, 8:52 am, edited 2 times in total.