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30 May 2008, 8:10 pm

CityAsylum wrote:
I stepped out of the subway station just north of the towers and walked a block to Murray Street, just as the second fireball was going down a little. There were chunks of the airplane and other results of the explosion that it is better not to describe. :cry:

Here is what was at Murray Street, and I realized I had to get the hell out of there immediately: :pale:


i woulda died.. i couldnt handle that o_O

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30 May 2008, 8:12 pm

CityAsylum wrote:
I stepped out of the subway station just north of the towers and walked a block to Murray Street, just as the second fireball was going down a little. There were chunks of the airplane and other results of the explosion that it is better not to describe. :cry:

Here is what was at Murray Street, and I realized I had to get the hell out of there immediately: :pale:


Wow, that looks like one of the turbine engines. 8O

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30 May 2008, 8:16 pm

jawbrodt wrote:
CityAsylum wrote:
I stepped out of the subway station just north of the towers and walked a block to Murray Street, just as the second fireball was going down a little. There were chunks of the airplane and other results of the explosion that it is better not to describe. :cry:

Here is what was at Murray Street, and I realized I had to get the hell out of there immediately: :pale:


Wow, that looks like one of the turbine engines. 8O

i think it is one of the engines.

check out my website at {redacted by admin - domain taken over and points to a porn site}

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30 May 2008, 8:19 pm


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30 May 2008, 8:24 pm

jawbrodt wrote:
Wow, that looks like one of the turbine engines. 8O

Yes, it is!

It was from the plane that hit the south tower (See Murray & Church Streets, bottom). I walked over from West Broadway & Murray, which was way to close for comfort! :pale:



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30 May 2008, 8:27 pm

^That is very close! 8O

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30 May 2008, 10:15 pm

CityAsylum wrote:
ImTheGuyThatDidThat wrote:
Would be interesting to see new york once, thats probably not gonna happen, but would be interesting. How many people live there? I forget. Oslo is a village compared I guess, with its about 650,000 people

New York City, which includes the five boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx, has over 8 million people!

And we are all nuts! :lol:

A more accurate statistic is the metropolitan area. Depending on how you measure, the population of the New York Area ranges from 18 million to 22 million. The number of people in the core city is quite high, but overall the population ranks it as one of the highest in the world for an urbanized area.

"As of October 1, 2007, the population of Tokyo is estimated to be 12.790 million, or about 10% of Japan's total population"
- from WikiPedia

Big though!

But the population of Greater Tokyo is more like 35 million.

The distinction between a city and its metro area is largely arbitrary. Furthermore, both New York and Tokyo are part of what is known as a Megalopolis - a vast area of almost continuous development. New York is a member of the Bos-Wash megalopolis, home to around 55 million.

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30 May 2008, 10:38 pm

twoshots wrote:
CityAsylum wrote:
New York City, which includes the five boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx, has over 8 million people!

A more accurate statistic is the metropolitan area. Depending on how you measure, the population of the New York Area ranges from 18 million to 22 million. The number of people in the core city is quite high, but overall the population ranks it as one of the highest in the world for an urbanized area.

I was referring only to New York City (the five boroughs), which is a totally different thing from Upstate New York, Long Island or Jersey.

Over 8 million people is a huge population density for only 303 square miles! :D

(New York, NY refers to Manhattan only; NYC includes all 5 boroughs)

Mayor: Michael R. Bloomberg (to Dec. 2009)

Borough Presidents: Bronx, Adolfo Carrion; Brooklyn, Marty Markowitz; Manhattan, Scott M. Stringer; Queens, Helen M. Marshall; Staten Island, James P. Molinaro

2000 census population (rank): 8,008,278 (1); % change: 9.4; Male: 3,794,204 (47.4%); Female: 4,214,074 (52.6%); White: 3,576,385 (44.7%); Black: 2,129,762 (26.6%); American Indian and Alaska Native: 41,289 (0.5%); Asian: 787,047 (9.8%); Other race: 1,074,406 (13.4%); Two or more races: 393,959 (4.9%); Hispanic/Latino: 2,160,554 (27.0%). 2000 percent population 18 and over: 75.8%; 65 and over: 11.7%; Median age: 34.2.

2005 population estimate (rank): 8,143,197 (1)

Land area: 303 sq mi (785 sq km) (Queens, 109 sq mi; Brooklyn, 71 sq mi; Staten Island, 58 sq mi; Bronx, 42 sq mi; Manhattan, 23 sq mi)



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30 May 2008, 10:43 pm

You might be a little off topic but, after the twin towers got hit, I didn't get scared or affected in the same way most people did which makes me feel bad. I was in some ways affected though.

I have been afraid of airplanes or anthing flying at a distance where I can see it. I'm always afraid they're going to crash purposely or inpurposely onto me or my house or something. It's still something I fear ever since that disaster. Other than that, I wasn't freaked by all the disease or bomb threats so..... :?

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30 May 2008, 10:56 pm

MissConstrue wrote:
You might be a little off topic but, after the twin towers got hit, I didn't get scared or affected in the same way most people did which makes me feel bad. I was in some ways affected though.

That's really kind of normal - when the towers were attacked in 1993 I wasn't all that affected, because I had no reason to be in that neighborhood. I watched it on TV, and it was disturbing, but I felt very remote about it.

September 11th was different for me though, because I literally climbed up the subway stairs to see the second fireball and the debris everywhere, and people were jumping from the towers - it is something that will never leave me or anyone else who saw it, or worse, lost loved ones. :cry:

We could not even go back to our offices for a week, and when we were allowed to go back, we were sick all the time from the air, which was white until Thanksgiving, when the fires went out. The aired smelled like burning plastic, and we were throwing up a lot and having asthma attacks, but we had to go to work. They always told us "the air is safe to breathe", but we knew they were lying their a$$es off, because we were sick all the time.

If I hadn't been there, though - I think it would have affected me far less; I don't think that's weird or unusual. :)


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30 May 2008, 10:59 pm

I remember hearing about the people jumping from the buildings which was something that did actually get to me..I can't even imagine!! ! :(

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30 May 2008, 11:03 pm

^ Very traumatic, that experience could've envoked PTSD. 8O

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30 May 2008, 11:58 pm

City Asylum:
Not to carry this too far...
But when one says the population of Oslo is 650,000, and one says the population of New York is 8,000,000, this does not accurately reflect the actual size of the human settlements. Oslo commands an urban area only somewhat larger (~800,000), while New York commands an urban area in excess of 18,000,000. The proportion of people in New York City is proportionately much smaller as compared to the actual area. The distinction between New York and its urban area is largely formal. Under different conditions, the city's boundaries could encompass many more or less people. The urban area is the only accurate reflection of development in the area, and it is by this metric that NYC counts as one of the largest in the world. You're one of us. One of us...

As for the whole Freedom Tower thing: I stopped paying attention. Is that ever going to get anywhere? :(

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31 May 2008, 12:22 am

twoshots wrote:
City Asylum:
Not to carry this too far...
But when one says the population of Oslo is 650,000, and one says the population of New York is 8,000,000, this does not accurately reflect the actual size of the human settlements. Oslo commands an urban area only somewhat larger (~800,000), while New York commands an urban area in excess of 18,000,000. The proportion of people in New York City is proportionately much smaller as compared to the actual area. The distinction between New York and its urban area is largely formal. Under different conditions, the city's boundaries could encompass many more or less people. The urban area is the only accurate reflection of development in the area, and it is by this metric that NYC counts as one of the largest in the world. You're one of us. One of us...

As for the whole Freedom Tower thing: I stopped paying attention. Is that ever going to get anywhere? :(

:lol: Yeah, but NYC is NYC, and that's the entity to which I was referring! Pardon me for being exclusionary, but I work in GIS, and we ain't involved with non-NYC mapping, populations, or anything else. :lol:

Plus, I'm an aspie, and NYC is my thing, not those other places! :wink:

(Apologies, since I know that you would be looking at it from a New Jersey point of view, as part of the commuter area, for example.)

The Freedom Tower is mired in silly issues, such as its foundation, as KingofKabooom mentioned, which they forgot to terror-proof, oops - a small oversight. :lol:

Last edited by CityAsylum on 31 May 2008, 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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31 May 2008, 1:23 am

I posted your pics on (with proper crediting or as best crediting as I could.)


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31 May 2008, 3:11 am

Xelebes wrote:
I posted your pics on (with proper crediting or as best crediting as I could.)

Oh, cool - may I see the link? :D