Anyone else interested in handwriting analysis?
hm.. then you should see my M`s and T`s, thats some mighty loops and cross-overs
Ok I think I know what you mean now about the M's. Are you talking about a lower case cursive m basically that should be made with 3 humps or 2 humps depending what is connected before it and you are putting loops on the 2 downstrokes in the M? If so, that is suppose to denote someone who expends energy worrying about things before they happen effectively worry about bridges before they cross them.
Ok EvilKimEvil, here is my unexpert analysis of your writing. I don't think its anything bad so I am posting on here. But if you find yourself uncomfortable with the results, then tell me and I will delete/edit my post so it will disappear. It appears to me a typical Aspie handwriting; though I must say I am disappointed you don't have kinky G's because I am obsessed with that at the moment.
Analysis below:
Inconsistant crossing of the T's denotes someone who sometimes has trouble controlling temper and other times is in control. The weight of your T bars show lack of willpower. Dotting of the I's denotes you are good with some details and other times careless. Stems on Y's and G's denote you finish what you start and expect others to get things done right away as well. The lack of spacing, or breaks, in your writing says you prefer logic and reasoning and have little intuitive ability. The width of you E's indicates a good listener and someone who can understand both sides of a discussion and tolerant of others opinions and behaviors. Your ending stroke suggests you do not seek the opinions of others. The lack of lead-in stroke denotes someone who does not show their sense of humor openly. The humps in your M's denote someone who is not self-conscious. Your downstrokes in the lowercase M's show you do not worry after you make a decision. The lack of loops in lowercase D's and T's indicate you are not sensitive to criticism and aren't hurt easily by what others say about you. The slant of your writing indicates you are a pessimist.
I have kinky G's in my print writing, but apparently that doesn't count!

Analysis below:
Thank you! That was a good read. At times it was right on. At other times it was extremely wrong. At other times, it was so contradictory, it made me laugh out loud!
Maybe the science of graphology doesn't apply very well to people who only write in cursive about once per year, if that.

Can't read kinkiness out of printed letters, only the lowercase cursive G's and Y's, with G being the most sexual of letters. What did you think was contradictory? I really don't know if you can rely on graphology. I would need to see a large study control group of people who had been psychoanaylzed first to know what their personality really was then subjected to a blind study of their handwriting before I would believe it.
Meanwhile I need to figure what to say to get my OT to divulge what she is doing outside of work because I'm curious about the G thing. I wonder if she is like the lawyer I know who is a dominatrix on the side.
How can I always finish what I start if I lack will power? I don't have much of a temper, and I certainly don't have trouble controlling myself when I get angry (well, I can think of exceptions, but we all have our occasional break-downs, right?). Otherwise, upon a second read, it seemed fairly accurate!
OTOH, my dad, a research psychologist told me that studies have shown that people tend to agree with randomly assigned personality profiles. Like if you randomly assign a list of personality characteristics and say it's based on something (astrology, for example), most people will say it describes them really well. Then if you say, "Oh, I gave you someone else's list, this one is for you," and give them another random personal description, most people will say the second one describes them even better! Power of suggestion at work!
BTW, I'm intrigued and fascinated by all systems, whether they have any rational/realistic basis or not, so I can understand your interest in graphology.
Hehe. You can never be sure. In my experience, the strangest people are the most normal in outward appearance.
You could mention that you have a friend who is into some kinky stuff (Ex: "Oh, my friend/cousin is really into bondage, I think it's cool she's so comfortable expressing herself and being open with people about it.") and then analyze her reaction. If you bring this up sort of out of context, without warning, the reaction might be revealing.
Actually I think there are people who never pop their cork. So if you have occasional break-downs then yes I would have to say the analysis was correct. Most of the time you can hold your temper, but not every time.
BTW, I'm intrigued and fascinated by all systems, whether they have any rational/realistic basis or not, so I can understand your interest in graphology.
You must have fun having a psychologist in the family. Heck I sure would. My high school psych teacher is my all time favorite person. I love my current psych but I like to mess with her and managed to depress her this week. I think she was going to cry by the time I left.
Anyways I totally agree with your dad's assessment that people will believe anything if you tell them its fact. Yet I still find graphology interesting as well as similar things. I am obsessed with cryptozoology even though there is little proof on any of it. I find it intriguing.
Hehe. You can never be sure. In my experience, the strangest people are the most normal in outward appearance.
You're idea is absolutely brilliant! Oh a crafty one you are! I just don't know if I am bold enough to even start a conversation like that though because we never talk about stuff like that. She seems a bit sensitive (though after seeing her handwriting I could be wrong) because she wigs out anytime I mention the Native American side of my family and their beliefs. Like once she asked what I did for the weekend and I responded truthfully that I went to a ceremony. She had the look of terror in her eyes.
Maybe the look of terror was because she has some weird, kinky Native-American-related fetish!
Also, I'm into cryptozoology too. I don't believe that these creatures do exist, but I enjoy imagining that they might. I love stuff that lies somewhere between fact and fiction. Stuff like cryptozoology is based on people's real experiences. But what is at the root of these experiences? Reality blurs there, and I am fascinated by this. I mean, science is based on human experiences that are easily shared and documented, but when people's experiences vary or contradict one another, reality becomes harder to define, and then it is fun to play with!!
Not to say that science will never again recognize a new cryptid. I know which one I'd bet on, but I'm not talking - here in a public forum, at least.
In that case, my handwriting analysis will reveal me to have completely illegible cursive

At work, when doing paperwork I had to put my signature on a lot of quickly downgraded into four squiggles and four dots

Mom yells at me when I sign my medical papers that way

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...
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