NextFact wrote:
u sure it was a seizure? and isnt fainting when you go completely unconcious? i was concious the whole time
no, there is a slight possibility, it could be a number of things.
There are several types of seizures. if it was a seizure, I would think it would have been complex partial or simple partial seizure. Have you ever had seizures? If not, just because you have one seizure doesn't mean you have epilepsy, but it is still very important to see a doctor because it could be something else. And since you said something about buzzing in your head, that might just have been a seizure, and the buzzing could have been part of it.
Fainting is another possibility of course too. I believe it is possible to stay concious while you are passed out.
You should definately see a doctor right away, and make sure you tell them everything!!
(I'm a Girl...
"The person who knows everything has a lot to learn."
"Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum" (I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am) René Descartes