Nomaken wrote:
Here is your chance to gibber baby-talk nonsense about your kitty and/or favorite animal. Their cuteness, their funny behaviors, and how much you love them.
Because i dont know about you, but i occasionally look like a idiot talking about my kitty. I lub him. He's such a kitty. He's like Weeeee! "I'm a kitty!" Then he'll jump up and claw at me through a space between the door and the wall. Ohh he's such a cute claw kitty. Claw kitty! Claw! Yes! Or he'll be stalking one of the other cats or pouncing them. Kill Genki! Kill!
And i can't type or move but he won't stay off my lap when i sit.... and he looks so adorable! It is liquid cute! He's all like, "I'm a cute kitty!" And "I'm gonna sprawl out with my little closed eyes and put my head on your arm and look so cute!"
There is nothing to be ashamed of when you love your pets, they are not embarrassed about showing their love back to you
I love my 3 little ferrets babys, and their little pink noses