Yes, thank you for excusing me and i really do appologize......
I would give my left nut to be able to have a kitty or puppy right now...... but i cant take that on...... what to say about my reaction......... my neighbors keep dogs and cats... its makes me want to cry because i see whats going on here... ....... The dogs are kept for FIGHTING..... i can prove it , but i know it...... ive seen the scars on thier faces when they get out and come to my house..... I saw a neighbor shoot a stray ......and reported it..... for naught ,,, THe bastard is a fireman in this town.... (((( cops, firemen, animal control , city employees all wacht out for echother.)))))And if you could see the "free pets " column in the local paper ,,,,,,,, my god...... ! !! !!
I know if you love your pets,,, they will know it... and you will know they know it. i wish for myself i could meet St. Francis...( patron St. of animals). I have many questions , and for you, so many years of comfort with your furry, unconditionally loving friend.s....... Tom