Several nights ago I either dreamed a past life regression that wasn't mine, or had an extremely vivid imagining. [Though I was thinking a bit about Joan of Arc beforehand, but still...]
I was preparing to be burned at the stake [as much as one can prepare...] It seemed to be something I needed to do, perhaps to ascend or something. There was a person, possibly with brown hair, who was close to me in some way, and I don't remember much of their reaction, only that I was basically saying goodbye to them. The village people/witch burners tied me to the stake, and then gave me a handkerchief drenched in [what's that stuff to knock people out?], to put over my face so I wouldn't feel pain and just faint [oddly 'nice' of them, isn't it?] For a moment as they lit the fire and smoke billowed around me and I pressed the handkerchief to my face, I panicked as I thought the vapors weren't working, but then woke up [or roused myself from nodding off, whichever] with my mouth horribly dry and thirsty, a great need to go to the washroom, and feeling very, very confused. If that was a past life, I don't think it was mine, but whatever it was, it was very vivid indeed.
Then, more recently, I dreamed that I was discussing Final Fantasy [one of my favourite video game series] with some friends on Wrong Planet, and I commented that despite the fact that I could be called a 'fan', I only live four of the games [VI, VII, IX, and X]. Then the main villain of IX, Kuja, suddenly showed up in X, and I tried to convince him that he was in the wrong game [I actually spoke to him, but the dream was an observer type of dream...] Then a huge tidal wave suddenly appeared and the main characters of X had to form a long chain, holding onto each others' hands to avoid being swept away.
Any thoughts, aunt?
"A memory is something that has to be consciously recalled, right? But it's different from a memory locked deep within your heart. Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel...As long as I'm with you, as long as you're by my side, I won't give up even if I'm scared." Tifa Lockheart, Final Fantasy VII