kraftiekortie wrote:
Red happens to be my favorite color----but I can't stay in a red room very long. I love Baroque art....but I can't look at it for long. There was once a place called Tad's Steaks in NYC. It had Baroque decor. I loved the steaks and the decor---but I couldn't stay in the restaurant. Headache city!
1. I once wrote a poem to a woman on the subway. She was wearing a cloak like that which the French Lieutenant's Woman wore. I wrote in admiration of the cloak. She smiled at me, accepted the poem, but refused my request for a date.
2. I once saw a woman who was nice----but she had wires sticking out throughout the house--a very dangerous situation. She had two kids: one, about six years old, and the other approximately 15 months old. The six-year-old was in a "gifted" class. After she requested that I buy her a washing machine, I backed out of the relationship.
3. A woman who used to be a classical musical prodigy when she was a young child asked me if I wanted to live with her. I had to refuse, since I already had a girlfriend.
This is a tricky one.
I feel the lie could be hiding absolutely anywhere but I am going to guess number 3, because i really want number one to be true (although it would have been extra nice if she went on date with you), and number 2 sounds true.
Here are mine, I am not doing a good job being inventive today, so there is just a half lie in there somewhere!
1. Once on the tube, a man was staring at me, he came up as we disembarked and asked what I had in my box. I said "bones". He was extremely freaked out and legged it as fast as he could.
2. I bribed my husband with sexual favours to get full rights for the middle names for our kids.
3. At med school, everyone in my dissection team was too chicken to get through the rib cage so I had so saw it open all by myself.
"I will file you under "L" for people I love most. "